posted on Nov, 25 2002 @ 05:23 PM
Let us get one thing understood, B-T, you have developed nothing for me, thick skin or anything else. It appears you overestimate your influence here
on the board. You also dodge the issue, again, by responding as you have.
The fact that you defend Clinton, a man who said that we Americans need to get used to the idea of giving up a few liberties for security, and said
this during peacetime, indicates to me that you are not concerned with any liberties but who takes the liberties. You seem to be driven more by party
lines than I am. I have the presence of mind to admit that I may be a little biased as Bush sings a song that I like and conducts himself with the
dignity and self-respect that was sorely missed the eight years before. The concerns about an erosion of liberty during this time of war is not one,
in my opinion, that is warranted, unless you subscribe to the theory that we attacked ourselves in order to wage war against the middle east. I do
not subscribe to that notion.
It is always a concern that the government may never call an end to the war, be it victory or defeat, and, as this seems to be uncharted waters into
which we find ourselves sailing, this is certainly a concern, but not one that warrants us to hinder what needs to be done at the present time. It
does require us to be mindful of the fact that certain liberties are suspended during times of war, and that we should be vigilant to regain them at
the appropriate time. In my cynical way of looking at the society in which I find myself, I doubt we will take notice, and if we do, will not take
appropriate measures if they are warranted. If that be the case, it won't be the present administration's fault, or the next one to come be it
Republican or Democrat. The guilt will be laid squarely upon the citizenry as it is natural for government to aquire power, legitimately or not, and
unnatural for it to give it up without pressure.
Just because Dick and Bob don't understand is not sufficient reason for me to get unduely worried. Not on this end of the war.
I'm still waiting for this police state, evidence of which I have still not witnessed.
Once again, B-T, you and the people of your mindset will be more likely to catch it before I do as I'm more likely to give the Shrub the benefit of
the doubt. I just hope you don't numb my mind with silly little false alarms for the next two to six years.