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lets get real about disinfo agents on ATS

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posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 11:00 AM
we know that there are disinformation agents in the world

and i would think that they would try to infiltrate first by getting those to trust them, and then spread rise slowly up the ranks, and use there authority to cause dissent discredit derail or redirect threads in other directions

now i would like to say i am very thankful to the 3 amigos who run this site no question they are top notch people but i think it would be foolish to think that this is not likely that some out of the thousands and thousands of members are disinfo agents who worked carefully to work there way in hear and spread disinfo

i would suggest this is not only a possibility, but a very very very likely

now without going into a paranoid suspicious mode to uncover anyone who may be thought of as doing this, i would just suggest you keep it in back of your minds, and that if there is enough of the 3'D of dissent discredit and derailment tactics repeatedly in people's threads that a red flag be raised, in fact i would suggest that this board is great becaue of it's integrity and as it has grown and continues to grow succesfully because of its integrity

i would suggest that in the growth process of any business that occasionally there should be a check given to see if there is any disinfo agents infiltrating the board ( who post oftenly or are held in high regard)

i mean the gov't accoss the world have been infiltrated, as well has army's what makes u think this board is above that

i mean if there was one or two moderators promoted to check for disinfo at least on a trial basis, then i think the board could maintain it's general trustworthy atmosphere and grow maintain the high levels of integrity ATS strives for

[edit on 24-2-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 11:16 AM
I would agree that most likely we have some of those types here, but in my assumption they would look at some of the posters and say 'my job is easy' because there are alot of the crackpot types on here.. I really enjoy it here cause there is alot of intelligence here but there are some people who are just rude and unwilling to look into things before makin rude and abusive remarks.. just my 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 07:31 AM
They are really easy to spot. If you feel that someone is just take a look at their previous postings and you'll quickly notice a pattern. What I do is just click on ignore user and its all taken care of. Besides that absolutely love the forum.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 07:45 AM
I see, and how exactly do you propose that anyone differentiate between a disinfo agent and just a really intelligent skeptic that is not going to buy every unusual thing as some paranormal event???

Right at the moment it seems that the typical way is to call anyone that disagrees with the paranormal event, and has the logic, insight, or inside information to discredit it, as a disinformation agent. Gawd knows I have been called one more then once, yet nothing could be further from the truth.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
I see, and how exactly do you propose that anyone differentiate between a disinfo agent and just a really intelligent skeptic that is not going to buy every unusual thing as some paranormal event???

Right at the moment it seems that the typical way is to call anyone that disagrees with the paranormal event, and has the logic, insight, or inside information to discredit it, as a disinformation agent. Gawd knows I have been called one more then once, yet nothing could be further from the truth.

Skeptics actually take the time to use real facts and it's also the attitude they have towards the poster of whatever info they are posting about. Also disinfo poster tend to only stick to one piece of info and keep arguing that point regardless of all of the other info being presented. Good skeptics like many here are not closed minded and it shows when they post. Also the twisting and spinning of info being posted about makes it rather obvious.

Personally I enjoy the battles back and forth between people with different views because it educates us all.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Right at the moment it seems that the typical way is to call anyone that disagrees ... a disinformation agent.

That's pretty much the truth of the matter, isn't it?

BTW .. this isn't the first 'disinfo agents on ATS' thread to be made. There have been many others. Ya' gotta' be careful when you discuss this. If you start pointing fingers at certain people it's against the rules. Not to mention the fact that, like defcon said, some people point their fingers at anyone who disagrees (or leans right) and screams AGENT.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by defcon5
Right at the moment it seems that the typical way is to call anyone that disagrees ... a disinformation agent.

That's pretty much the truth of the matter, isn't it?

BTW .. this isn't the first 'disinfo agents on ATS' thread to be made. There have been many others. Ya' gotta' be careful when you discuss this. If you start pointing fingers at certain people it's against the rules. Not to mention the fact that, like defcon said, some people point their fingers at anyone who disagrees (or leans right) and screams AGENT.

Great Point. This is why you need to go through the previous posts to make sure you aren't blocking someone who is actually stating facts and not opinion. If you block on the basis of people not agreeing with your point of view then you ruin the point of having a forum. A forum is meant to have educated discussions (or like me learn) on whatever topics are on the forum and to allow every single person who joins have the right to say whatever is on their mind or believe as long as they can back it up. Eventually you will see what I'm talking about and the more your on this forum the easier it becomes to weed them out.

A couple of other ways to know is, when your checking through suspected disinfo posters you notice they either:

1) Contradict themselves because they are so determined to disinfo a section of the forum that after looking at their posts as a whole they deny everything no matter what the subject is, no facts just opinion.

2) Or the person follows certain people and keeps posting the opposite of whatever they post for the sake of discrediting and making that post look foolish or factless, even though its clearly obvious the poster does have facts and it actually making a point.

Now the previous two points could be as known as "trolling" BUT whether a poster is a troll or a disinfo agent, its still a person I would love to block off my list

[edit on 25-2-2007 by leafer]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by cpdaman
i mean if there was one or two moderators promoted to check for disinfo at least on a trial basis, then i think the board could maintain it's general trustworthy atmosphere and grow maintain the high levels of integrity ATS strives for

One or two...

I can assure you that ALL 40+ staff members are continuously keeping an eye out for disinformation tactics. It comes with the job!

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by leafer
Skeptics actually take the time to use real facts and it's also the attitude they have towards the poster of whatever info they are posting about.

The problem with someone like me is that I have a somewhat unique blend of experience in professions I have preformed, and they cross channels with folks that believe in Aliens, chemtrails, 911, and other such events.

Having worked in both sleep medicine, and aviation, I am sure you can see where this might be an issue. Personally I have never seen a Alien, UFO, or chemtrail, and don’t believe in any of them per say. I know that chemtrails, and UFO’s for the most part are misidentifications. Even I have been fooled a few times to think I am seeing a UFO, then it ends up being something I can ID. I know, for a fact that chemtrails don’t exist in any serious frequency, because I worked on the aircraft that folks accuse of spraying them. I know that certain sleep disorders cause alien abduction type events. I know that seizures, mental disorders, blood pressure, and sugar changes can cause many paranormal events. I certainly try to back up what I say with links, pictures, and the like, but that is not always possible as many just don’t exist, or the topic is too complex for time involved. Sometimes, I am sure that my writing style comes off as being more severe then it’s intended to be…

So how would you label someone like me?

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:23 AM
To chime in...

There will be no "disinformation" witch-hunt targeting any specific members on ATS as long as Springer, Simon, and myself are in charge.

I understand your sentiments and desire to identify anyone who may be "working against us", but that is:
1) The wrong attitude to adopt for anyone who embraces "deny ignorance"
2) Precisely a tactic of disruptive disinformation

In the entire history of "conspiracy theory" research and exposure, the most effective strategy against any potential disruptive "disinformation" is to be true to yourself, true to your ideals, and engage contrary opinions with polite and respectful debate.

We are ATS. Our standard is high.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

Originally posted by leafer
Skeptics actually take the time to use real facts and it's also the attitude they have towards the poster of whatever info they are posting about.

The problem with someone like me is that I have a somewhat unique blend of experience in professions I have preformed, and they cross channels with folks that believe in Aliens, chemtrails, 911, and other such events.

Having worked in both sleep medicine, and aviation, I am sure you can see where this might be an issue. Personally I have never seen a Alien, UFO, or chemtrail, and don’t believe in any of them per say. I know that chemtrails, and UFO’s for the most part are misidentifications. Even I have been fooled a few times to think I am seeing a UFO, then it ends up being something I can ID. I know, for a fact that chemtrails don’t exist in any serious frequency, because I worked on the aircraft that folks accuse of spraying them. I know that certain sleep disorders cause alien abduction type events. I know that seizures, mental disorders, blood pressure, and sugar changes can cause many paranormal events. I certainly try to back up what I say with links, pictures, and the like, but that is not always possible as many just don’t exist, or the topic is too complex for time involved. Sometimes, I am sure that my writing style comes off as being more severe then it’s intended to be…

So how would you label someone like me?

I wouldn't as long as you gave me facts. All I want to see are facts and then I determine what I want to believe or not.

For example the ufo subject is very hard to prove and I am on both sides of the fence with that one, so I will never argue either way because the arguments are REALLY good from both sides. Personally I do believe in them because I have looked at all the facts and they tell me there is. All we need is 1 case out of 3 billion to be true to prove they are true. Of course no facts so I don't argue.

With Government cover-ups however sometimes you see evidence that you can't deny yet people keep arguing even when the facts are starring them in the face. Of course there are other areas but you need to use your own discretion.

Personally I come to forums to learn. You and many other posters provide us "in learning" an amazing amount of info which makes this forum great and gives me the chance to decide with the info provided what I want to believe.

It will become obvious to the thread starter who "they" are and he can decide for himself.

[edit on 25-2-2007 by leafer]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:34 AM
The disinfo doesn't bother me as much as the thought of monitoring by malicious sources.

It makes sense that within the various intelligence services there are low level employees whose sole job is that of research. For instance, they may be given a list of keywords to look for throughout the internet. If the information found is of interest, a file is prepared and sent up the chain. After winding its way up the chain to agents who actually have the security clearance and the authority to deem this information potentially harmful, its going to get attention.

And THAT is what concerns me. I mean, one day you're at your computer sharing your latest conspiracy theory on ATS and then, well, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Then again, I just may be paranoid.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:58 AM
It seems like you have a pretty good handle on how you take members posting.

You don't take their word as bond, but do a little research and check for facts and discount posts which have no facts represented.

I, like you, am on the fence regarding many of the conspiracies discussed here, but really appreciate the wide scope of input from members on all sides of the issues.

Disinfo agents? While the possibility is there, for the most part there are people out there who just cannot believe anything they haven't heard or seen on CNN, FOX, etc. etc. These people will spout out what they believe and in arrogance, want you, to prove them wrong because they won't waste their valuable time proving their point. Many times you can find conflicts in their own contributions

For those willing to take 10mins and do a google news search, you will find out that the major news outlets are garbage, when you do your global news search you still have to weigh each report on it's own merits (agenda, ideology, theology, etc) but in the end you will be so much more apprised of what is going on globally.

I am an example of this if you look into my past here, you would find that I was a strong supporter of Pres. Bush back in 04. (how naive), though I am not a hater, I now strongly hold in contempt our (US) entire government left, right, middle, while there might be some members of govt who represent the people, they are so minimal as to affect nothing in the grand scheme. The majority are supporting their own interests and ambitions nothing more.

You are one of the reasons ATS is a great place to come for learning and debating, I look forward to your contributions in the future...

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn

For those willing to take 10mins and do a google news search, you will find out that the major news outlets are garbage, when you do your global news search you still have to weigh each report on it's own merits (agenda, ideology, theology, etc) but in the end you will be so much more apprised of what is going on globally.

Tell me about it lol. I don't even pick up the paper anymore (only for sports scores. They can't lie about that, lol) or watch news on the TV regardless of where its from.

I am an example of this if you look into my past here, you would find that I was a strong supporter of Pres. Bush back in 04. (how naive), though I am not a hater, I now strongly hold in contempt our (US) entire government left, right, middle, while there might be some members of govt who represent the people, they are so minimal as to affect nothing in the grand scheme. The majority are supporting their own interests and ambitions nothing more.

Many people did support bush but they key is your open minded enough to change your view. Some are so set in one way thinking that no matter what info they get they will never change their ways. Even if an alien landed on their doorstep they would still deny. What can you do

You are one of the reasons ATS is a great place to come for learning and debating, I look forward to your contributions in the future...

Thanks I haven't been around long, only heard about the forum from coast to coast a few months back. I would mainly only be posting questions and hard facts I've found until I really get the full picture of what's going on.

[edit on 25-2-2007 by leafer]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 11:28 AM
How about this... Like the "way above top secret award"... make a "way above disinfo award" with the appropriate medal/pic/etc.

Everybody votes for whoever the disinfo agent is, and he/she will get the title of "disinfo agent" for a week or a month... How does that sound?

As for disinfo agents... Just shut up. That is why I stay out of places I have no idea of what is going on. That is why I stay away from certain threads (mostly those that involves aliens and certain history-threads). If I have a bit of an idea, I state my opinion, and if someone counters that opinion, I consider it and reply IF NEED BE. I'm a fair man... if someone thinks I'm a disinfo agent, just say it... I don't mind, I'd like to know where and why. If I sound like one, tell me. U2U me, if you don't want to post it.

Sometimes fingers need to be pointed, because if no-one does... then might as well never post at all, in fear of someone that *might* be a disinfo agent and don't press people that has proven him-/herself out of being a disinfo agent. Some people are also a more hard-headed than others (I'll be honest, I am one of those) and need a bit more convincing or more detailed explanation or evidence, etc.

Deposit: $0.02

Anyways, great forum.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by leafer
What I do is just click on ignore user and its all taken care of.

It's good to see that the "Deny Ignorance" factor is alive and well.
If someone's opinion is generally opposite yours, they are a "dis-info agent",
and subsequently ignored?
Way to keep an open mind.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
we know that there are disinformation agents in the world

How do you know that?

Originally posted by cpdaman
and i would think that they would try to infiltrate first by getting those to trust them, and then spread rise slowly up the ranks, and use there authority to cause dissent discredit derail or redirect threads in other directions

Yes of course they would. Oh wait, isn't this the same accusation forwarded by posters when other ATSer's rip their 'Jews/Masons/Satanists/Pixies have infiltrated ATS!' threads to shreds? Saying that, because Moderators disagree with their (often racist) comments they, and other posters, MUST be Jews/Masons/Satanists/Pixies etc?

Originally posted by cpdaman
now i would like to say i am very thankful to the 3 amigos who run this site no question they are top notch people but i think it would be foolish to think that this is not likely that some out of the thousands and thousands of members are disinfo agents who worked carefully to work there way in hear and spread disinfo
i would suggest this is not only a possibility, but a very very very likely

Yes it probably is very likely, however ALL kinds of threads (Illuminati etc) have been posted here. Also I think ATSer's would have enough intelligence to notice threads just 'disappearing'.

Originally posted by cpdaman
now without going into a paranoid suspicious mode to uncover anyone who may be thought of as doing this, i would just suggest you keep it in back of your minds, and that if there is enough of the 3'D of dissent discredit and derailment tactics repeatedly in people's threads that a red flag be raised, in fact i would suggest that this board is great becaue of it's integrity and as it has grown and continues to grow succesfully because of its integrity

This entire thread is based on paranoia and suspicion, proving that you are a hypocrite. And anyway, this is a conspiracy website dealing with (possible) evil organisations threatening to wipe out religion, nationality etc. Also you have been questioning the integrity of ATS, yet you say that 'it (ATS) has grown and continues to grow succesfully because of its integrity' so that's also hypocritical.

Originally posted by cpdaman
i would suggest that in the growth process of any business that occasionally there should be a check given to see if there is any disinfo agents infiltrating the board ( who post oftenly or are held in high regard)

Well I reply often (mostly like this). Does that make me a disnfo agent? Also you seem to be accusing most members of ATS of being disinfo agents.
Also woldn't it be more effective to get relatively new posters (such as yorself) to post inflammatory topics (such as this), in the hopes of:
a. Getting a violent response and
b. Dividing members of ATS, until no one trusts anyone else?

Originally posted by cpdaman
i mean if there was one or two moderators promoted to check for disinfo at least on a trial basis, then i think the board could maintain it's general trustworthy atmosphere and grow maintain the high levels of integrity ATS strives for

No, if there were two Mods constantly 'checking' for disinfo ATS would swiftly devolve into a McCarthyist nightmare. Also, what makes you think that the Mod's wouldn't become corrupted by the power they wield, or that THEY become the very disinfo agents they are supposed to fight against?

Now this post is an example of everything that's wrong with ATS. Over-the-top McCarthyistic paranoia, where nothing is as it seems. I know this is hypocritical (as my posting has prolonged the thread's existance) however I believe that the best solution would be to let this thread 'die'.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by subject x

Originally posted by leafer
What I do is just click on ignore user and its all taken care of.

It's good to see that the "Deny Ignorance" factor is alive and well.
If someone's opinion is generally opposite yours, they are a "dis-info agent",
and subsequently ignored?
Way to keep an open mind.

Thx. lol.

It's interesting to see how emotional people are getting. Take the time to read my posts and you'll quickly see I am open minded.

[edit on 25-2-2007 by leafer]

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