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More Evidence -Flight 93 Photo Fraud

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1

I can imagine few things more futile than comparing smoke from different plane crashes at different distances, in different locations and in different environments in order to try and prove a photo is a fake.

Let's see, Flight 175 was a bigger plane that supposedly crashed with almost twice as much fuel left into a mostly hollow structure and Flight 93 supposedly mostly buried into the earth so fast "it didn't have a chance to burn." Hmm, based on that, which crash should have produced the larger mushroom cloud?

Especially when there is no obvious motive for faking a picture of a cloud of smoke in the first place.

Sure about that?...


Are there any motives for Val to be in on faking this photo if it is indeed fake? Unfortunately, there are.

Right before 9/11, her and her husband had suffered "severe business loss." They were later forced to file for bankruptcy for their saw mill company:

"On September 20, 2001, JCM Industries, Inc. filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. On February 12, 2002, the filing was converted to a liquidation proceeding under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. John C. McClatchey, a director and nominee, is President, director and principal shareholder of JCM Industries, Inc." -

They ended up losing their business as of Dec 31, 2001, putting 40 people out of work. Val also mentions that they may lose their house.

And it gets worse. Val mentions that her and one of her children have major health problems. Just imagine if they lost their health insurance around the time when their business goes under. They also have some other potential major expenses coming up with her son buying a house and her daughter getting married in eight months. Remember it's tradition in America for the bride's family to pay for most of a wedding.

There was a cloud of smoke. If you listen to this Air Traffic Control tape, at 3.40 or so, you will hear it reported by another aircraft. Dark cloud at 2 o'clock.

Now one said there wasn't a smoke cloud, just not one measuring an estimated 700 YARDS WIDE!!!

So why couldn't the woman have taken a picture of it ? She lives nearby.

Tell you what, that was an allegedly enormous smoke cloud. Simply show us another photo of this smoke cloud to confirm it, K?

Why would anyone want to co-opt her into a murderous conspiracy ?

Maybe she took photos of something she wasn't supposed to? Read here. Would make logical sense why the FBI would rush three of their agents over there and confiscate her camera equipment.

edit on 11-2-2011 by ATH911 because: (no reason given)

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