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Its not a conspiracy.

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posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 01:27 PM
It is essential that if you are going to find the truth you must perfect the ability to define what is possible and what is not. What is reasonable and what is not. What is true and what is not. All of the conspiracies on this site cannot be true since they often contradict each other. For example the idea George W Bush is a Grey, but at the same time he is also a Reptillian is not possible (although I'm sure someone can argue it is true or possible with enough cunning to convince people). Its seems to be a sin around here to criticise people, well frankly this is wrong. To find the truth is actually going to take some serious analysis and rigor of argument.

I have decided to start this thread so people can discuss an event or situation with the premise that they believe this an event or situation not to be a conspiracy.

I personally find the 'moon landing conspiracy' the most amusing and far fetched. I therefore call upon people to not tell me what is a conspiracy, but for them to tell me what is not a conspiracy.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 02:13 PM
yea allot of this conspiracies r real stupid like that thing about a stargate and time machnie ive seen allot of (BS) here bush is the devil the real devil yea and bin laden is the real devil if u make bush name 2 numbers youll c hes the real devil thats just (BS)
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[edit on 21-2-2007 by dahl]

(slight edit)

Please read ABOUT ATS: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors

[edit on 21/2/07 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by superpaul55
It is essential that if you are going to find the truth you must perfect the ability to define what is possible and what is not. What is reasonable and what is not. What is true and what is not.

The problem here is simple; ATSer's are not gods/all knowing beings/higher powers etc. Who, save God/a higher power, can say what is possible and what is not? What is real and what is fake? Hell, our entire universe could (theoretically) speaking be the absentminded thoughts of a cosmic space turtle!

Originally posted by superpaul55
All of the conspiracies on this site cannot be true since they often contradict each other. For example the idea George W Bush is a Grey, but at the same time he is also a Reptillian is not possible (although I'm sure someone can argue it is true or possible with enough cunning to convince people).

Now I'm a critic of many of the 'conspiracies' thrown 'round this site every day (Bush/Osama/Loki is the anti-Christ! etc). And of course the conspiracies are going to contradict each other. Are you an expert in 'alien biology'? Also I haven't seen ANY posts where Bush is believed to be a 'grey'.

Originally posted by superpaul55
Its seems to be a sin around here to criticise people, well frankly this is wrong. To find the truth is actually going to take some serious analysis and rigor of argument.

No posters are normally only criticised when they make:
* Ludicrous claims (such as
* Racist remarks (Jesus was black, therefore white people are evil!)
* Attack Freemasonry (And are criticised by Freemasons defending their beliefs/organisation

I could go on forever.
Also why do you believe that most ATS posters aren't researching anything? Are you a writer/on the Research forum? If not please don't talk about things you know little of.
And most (serious) posters attempt to back up their claims with website, book etc evidence.

Originally posted by superpaul55
I have decided to start this thread so people can discuss an event or situation with the premise that they believe this an event or situation not to be a conspiracy.

Why not just watch the news, read a newspaper etc?

Originally posted by superpaul55
I personally find the 'moon landing conspiracy' the most amusing and far fetched. I therefore call upon people to not tell me what is a conspiracy, but for them to tell me what is not a conspiracy.

So there IS wind on the Moon after all? Hell I just thought it was a lifeless rock. Also, as most ATS posters do not know everything in the Universe it is kind of hard for one person to say 'X is a conspiracy' and another to say 'X is not'.

Also the ironic thing about your post is that you have just displayed the closeminded attitude that you accuse the 'conspiracy' believers of having.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 04:46 PM
'Who, save God/a higher power, can say what is possible and what is not?'

Look, I'm only interested in my reality, not gods or some strange aliens. Can you not understand this, I know you think your very clever and everything is some kind of setup.

'Why not just watch the news, read a newspaper etc?'

Why shouldn't I read a newspaper?

If you really believe the Moon landing was a hoax then I feel deeply sorry for you. The introduction of the internet appears top have spawned its own 'conspiracy cult', I believe your official term is a 'slacktivist'.

You certainly are very 'open minded' since you missed the Saturn V rocket that took off for the moon? Possibly your head is so open it is full of air?

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 05:06 PM
Some people believe everything they hear.
Other side of that coin , some people believe nothing when the evidence is slapping them in the face.


posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by superpaul55
The introduction of the internet appears top have spawned its own 'conspiracy cult', I believe your official term is a 'slacktivist'.

superpaul55, when you gonna read another book? Really you are acting like a victim of a powerful meme. Slacktivist eh, this meme has nice catchy terminology too, makes its followers feel all special. Why are you focusing on 'the people' so much superpaul55? Is it becuase it was the focus of that book (cant remember what it was called)?

Conspiracies exists since communities began and you know it. It is perfectly fine for people to discuss moon landing hoaxs, and you know what Im with Chaoticar, I have never seen a post stating Bush is a grey, shape shifting reptilian yes, grey no

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 05:34 PM
Fine Dae. Answer me one question with yes or no.

Was the Moon landing a conspiracy?


posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by superpaul55
Fine Dae. Answer me one question with yes or no.

Was the Moon landing a conspiracy?

Im so sorry superpaul55 I work with Maybe Logic, you should check it out, its like a trinity,Yes, No and Maybe. With big brand name conspiracies like the moon landing, its lands in the Maybe.

Want to know why its maybe and not no? Because it is quite feasible that they only orbited the moon and not actually land, the landing done in a studio. To me that is plausible, does it mean I believe it? No, could it have happened? Maybe.

You sir want me to answer with a simple yes and no, that is trying to push me and my ideas into a pigeon hole, one that calls me a , what was it? Slactivist. I myself organised a march against the Criminal Justice Act in my city a number of years ago, so Im more of an activist really, ta, thank you very much.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 11:26 AM
I see you have dodged the question. I'm not interested in what could have happened. I'm interested in what you believe happened.

Do you believe the moon landing was a conspiracy. Yes or no.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 12:01 PM
I do not believe the moon landing was a hoax and I'll tell you why. We've never been back. Plain and simple. We put a man on the moon and found it to be uninteresting as far as research goes, so the powers that be decided not to waste any more money on it. A least with the shuttle missions, they can dream up some interesting missions to keep the money rolling in.


posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by superpaul55
I see you have dodged the question. I'm not interested in what could have happened. I'm interested in what you believe happened.

Do you believe the moon landing was a conspiracy. Yes or no.

I see you have dodged my answer, a tad too complex perhaps? Ill try again.



(if you repeat your question at me again, I wont bother replying, just letting ya know)

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 12:38 PM
Maybe the moon landing was a conspiracy or maybe is was not. Its feasible George Bush is a Reptillian, it is feasible that George Bush is a grey, it is feasible that George Bush is human.

Remember what I said in my original post?

'For example the idea George W Bush is a Grey, but at the same time he is also a Reptillian is not possible (although I'm sure someone can argue it is true or possible with enough cunning to convince people).'

This is exactly what you are. You won't ever say what you think is or isn't. Just what could be. Please tell me some things to you that land in the 'not a conspiracy' arena.

[edit on 22-2-2007 by superpaul55]


posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 01:12 PM
You know what makes a good questionnaire? One that has more than just 'Yes' 'No' boxes, 'Maybe', 'Dont know' and 'Other' are usually a good step in the right direction.

Originally posted by superpaul55
'For example the idea George W Bush is a Grey, but at the same time he is also a Reptillian is not possible (although I'm sure someone can argue it is true or possible with enough cunning to convince people).'

Are you saying the fact that different conspiracy theories contradict each other is a bad thing? Let me put it this way, if you came to ATS and found a forum full of hundreds of people all believing in the same conspiracies, none of them contradicting... would you think you fell upon some online cult.

This is exactly what you are. You won't ever say what you think is or isn't. Just what could be.

You talk like you know me, Im flattered... I say what I think is or isnt quite a bit, nearly 600 posts of them right here alone.

Please tell me some things to you that land in the 'not a conspiracy' arena.

Cows produce milk - Not a conspiracy
Milk is good for you - Is a conspiracy

Tesla being the greatest scientis ever - Not a conspiracy
Tesla and the Us gov + funders - Is a conspiracy

Corporations thrive under capitalisim - Not a conspiracy
Corporations are global dictators - Is a conspiracy

Believe me Im having a hard time thinking of a CT that I would 100% completely say No to. Hang on, are the Flat Earthers CTers? If so then that one, sorry NO to Flat Earth but it was fun reading about it!

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