posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 02:54 PM
Ok, so at work today there was a customer being rejected for a contract mobile phone due to his email address....
Obviously I'm not going to put the address here but it went something like
it was classed as suspicious email due to the "911" - and he now has to send in forms of ID and residency if he still wants to go ahead with
It had nothing to do with September 11 terror attacks...he was saying it was the model number of his faveourite bike or something...
I couldn't beleive it, this is how stupid and paranoid people are getting nowdays...why would he broadcast it if he was a terrorist?
I won't be suprised if he tells us to shove it and go somewhere else
mods > I'm not 100% sure where this post could feel free to move it
[edit on 20-2-2007 by twisted_fate]