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Other alien civilizations. Wouldnt they be doing the same...

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posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 10:12 AM
Ok say there are other intelligent/advanced life out their(wich i do believe), I think it would be a good bet that they would function as a society much like ourselfves. Probably not exactly, but as an organized group or groups of citizens.

Now with that in mind wouldnt their be just as much interest on their part in knowing about us/other worlds? Are the alien governments also hiding info on us from them? Granted we have never crash landed on an alien planet, but if they have been here does their general population know? Just as every one here knows about the first moon landing etc. Assuming that the general (alien) population does know about say roswell, that would be close to say the challanger mission tragady, or any other missions. It would be news to that civilization right? So unless their is also a cover up on their governments part (wich would infer to a universal cover up) they know about us.

With that in mind, wouldnt their be some form of attempted contact from them, even if their is an agreement between the 2 or more govenments of the diffrent worlds that our general public isnt ready for the info,couldnt handle it for whatever reason. Doesnt it seem their would be some of their citizens with their advanced technology would go against the status quo, and beam a signal to S.E.T.I? How many of us would do the same roles reversed? I know I would!

Just a question I have pondered.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:58 PM
nice points but if a civilization did reach thepoint where they could travel interstallar space they would have evolved way past our level. These "rogue" aliens wanting to contact us might not exist in their society. Their way of thinking could be completely diffirent.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by yeti101]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:17 PM
The problem is that we only have one point of reference: Us.

We have no experience with aliens to base assumptions about aliens on.

Personally I have a more bleak look on things... Has there been aliens like us? Probably, but most have been destroyed by hive aliens by now. Compare with locusts, ants, killer bees and such here on earth and then put it on a interstellar scale. I question how any species, even the extremely advanced can withstand such a confrontation. Of course, this assumes this kind of aliens even exist.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:20 PM
lol merka i hope thats not the case.

heres another point. To send a signal to SETI might take thousands of years. If they are visiting us in their spaceships maybe they travel through some 4th dimension and "rogue" aliens dont have access to that technology.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:51 PM
You ask some interesting questions. Unfortunately, If a civilization has reached the point of interstellar or intergalactic travel, they would be much too advanced in comparison to us. That at most they would probably do the Star Trek thing which is to observe but not interfere.
Carl Sagan as well as Michio Kaku have put this question to the test so to speak. At present our great Human civilization only has a rating of 1 since we are still essentially a fire-based in our technology.
A civilization that has the ability to travel such great distances as there are between the stars, they would of necessity be at level 2 or 3, which have mastered planetary, stellar and galactic forms of energy. The reasoning for this is due to the massive amounts of energy that these civilizations would use on a normal basis in order to support interstallar travel.

Think this as an allegory. Are you familiar with the Stargate tv series? If you are, then you know that the "Ancients" used something called "zero point energy" to power their tech. The Asguard as well as the other interstallar races use similar energy sources. All of these energy sources are at this point in time well out of our reach. one of these days, we will hopefully reach those levels, before we destroy ourselves whic seems to be a pitfall according to the experts of civilizations at our level, and we will reach the stars also.

Physics of ET by Mich Kaku

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Everyone seems to assume that with technology and discovery, comes enlightenment, and in turn, responsibility. In decades (on the low end) we could be colonizing the galaxy, but in so short a timespan we'd have evolved no more than we have since the invention of the car. Even if galactic colonization occurs generations from now, there will be no great jump in human morality or ethics.

The reason I say this is to point out that despite so many people saying "Any civilization which has mastered interstellar travel would be far more evolved.," probably isn't the case. This is a fallacy created by the collective perception upon the state of thinking we hope our soceity one day attains. Allow me to illustrate this point a little farther. Lets say that in the next fifty years, some brilliant scientific team stumbled upon an engine design (call it hyperspace, warp, gravitic, etc etc) which allows us to instantaneously transverse vast distances of space. We as a civilization could easily incorporate that into our everyday lives, and take it for as much granted as we now do automobiles. Hop into your ship and zip off wherever you intend to go. We'd be no more "advanced" than we are now.

If the universe is thriving with civilized peoples, than the most likely scenario is the portrait Douglas Adams drew for us. Not the zany/whacky part, but a loose government where everyone typically tries to live their lives and stay under the radar. The reason I say this is because there are very very simple rules that almost any civilization would follow, one of which can be summed up by the old axim "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." If there was a "Hive Race" gobbling up civilizations, amidst a galaxy of space-faring peoples, then there would be a coordinated move against it.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 02:59 PM
BlaznRob , so your saying aliens wouldnt try to contact us even if they had the technology and were more advanced than us becuase they want to stay under the radar?

while i would agree that may be true for civs at the same levelof tech as us becuase we dont broadcast a signal as its deemed dangerous , we might invite unwanted guests. But for civs more advanced?

i think its more likely ETs are not visiting earth and that nobody has detected us yet. We have detected no signals becuase nobody is broadcasting.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by yeti101]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 03:16 PM
BlaznRob, I agreed with you until the last paragraph. Most of our assumptions about an advanced alien civilization are based upon our beliefs and ideas about what an advanced, utopian human society should be like. For all we know, many of the human emotional and psychological traits that tend to steer us towards those views may be quite rare among alien civilizations. In reality, we know nothing of the motives, beliefs and value systems of any potential alien civilization.

That said, my views draw me to a similar conclusion as that of Merka. I think the types and motivations of alien civilizations are all over the board. Some will be peaceful, some will be quite the opposite. Some, like modern humans, will fall in the middle of those two groups. Being more aggressive and more war-like, those in the latter two groups will also probably be more prepared and likely to survive an attack, and as such, are probably more numerous throughout the universe. That's not to say that these civilizations would necessarily prove hostile to us, but that the possibility is greater than most want to believe.

The end result, however, does have one thing in common with your last statement. Most advanced civilizations probably are trying to stay somewhat 'under the radar', but primarily to avoid detection by a more advanced, highly aggressive species.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 12:34 PM
I think I unintentionally mis-stated what I meant. What I was referring to with the "under the radar" statement were the "rogue aliens" of a society that might ignore its governments wishes. Those aliens, being of an advanced society, who disregarded their government's avoidance policy (for lack of a better term) and made contact with Earth anyway. Basically, the general population uninvolved with their governments.

What I was trying to illustrate in my post was that a race having incredible technology doesn't equate to that race being far more biologically, morally, or ethically evolved than we are as a race. It's generally accepted that if Earth had avoided the Dark Ages, we'd be far, far more advanced than we are now, technologically, but exactly the same biologically.

I would agree that, in a galaxy teaming with interstellar-capable civilizations, you will always have those more hostile, and those more complicitory. Taken as a galactic whole, however, if any "Hive Race" were to emerge which would become an eventual threat to everyone, then it would probably be halted by a concerted effort from a majority of said societies.

I also agree, with vor, that we as humans, assume that an alien race must have similar ideologies concerning morality, ethics, and emotion. As for the more war-like races being more numerous, I think it comes down to exactly how many different races (or even political factions of the same race) established themselves dominant first.

I didn't mean to infer a galactic government either, just more of an understanding among peers.

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