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Loose Change a pile of Hooey

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posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 07:39 AM
What experts? And wouldn't even talk if it were an obvious act of treason? I seriously doubt that. While the military may be overwhelmingly conservative, they are also generally more patriotic than your average bear, and having been in the military I can say that generally translates to support for the constituition, not the office holder.

If I wanted to do something like this, I would turn to the suits.... they have already sold their souls and will do anything especially if lots of money is involved.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 08:01 AM

And wouldn't even talk if it were an obvious act of treason?

Act of treason is subjective. I see almost everything Bush did treasonous, but to others, it's good, example, open borders, patriot act, north american union, ect... So those that carried out 9/11 were putting ``things in the balance`` like ``Saving america for a low cost (3000 lives) from the evil terrorists`` or do nothing and wait until the big bad terrorists gets nukes and do the ``real damage``. If you don't think someone can think that, look at what criminals think, murderers, pedophiles, well you get the point, very twisted minds exist.

And for experts about how many people could have carried out, it's various scholars from differents domains in 9/11 truth or those who question the official story and make hypothesis. And let's not forget that the official story says that only a few poorly trained hijackers did all this... so to say that it needed few very-well trained people to do that is just plain ridiculous.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Well you get the point...

[edit on 20-2-2007 by Vitchilo]

The point posted a pack of garbage.

You failed to prove that there were A LOT of ex CIA/Government Official that say it was an inside job. I believe you listed two! Oh and a janitor that changes his story and a cop that heard an explosion before the collapse.

All your points are directly pulled from the biggest joke of a video that has been debunked time and time again.

The trillions that went missing was not like it was one truck load of cash just suddenly dissapeared.

The rest of you post it filled with nothing at all! Actually all of your myths have been proven false time and time again.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 08:16 AM
Well go ahead and make 100.000$ .

/Will not worthlessly respond to this thread, if you want to debate 9/11 search on the forums there is people much more competent on the subject than me.
//Enough said.

[edit on 21-2-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 08:19 AM
I respect your military service. However, being in the military does not expose you to all facets of the military. People can and do execute outrageous orders on the direction of people within the government; the Watergate break-in is just one tiny example. We can't possibly know what the government is 'up to' since they have complete control of the information. Remember the Iran Contra debacle? We have no idea what really went on, where the money went nor who was involved. Whether or not the government actually did the 9/11 thing aside, I have no doubt that they have the capacity to pull it off.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox

The trillions that went missing was not like it was one truck load of cash just suddenly dissapeared.

Um... just curious about something... did anybody ever find the trillions that went missing?

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by nick7261

Originally posted by CameronFox

The trillions that went missing was not like it was one truck load of cash just suddenly dissapeared.

Um... just curious about something... did anybody ever find the trillions that went missing?

Nick... GREAT question! I will give it the Jeff Spiccoli answer.... " I don't know"

I wonder if any media outlet has at least looked into the missing $$$$$.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 04:34 PM
Back on the Loose Change Topic:

“We made that film essentially as a bunch of kids. That’s the reality of the situation; we were a bunch of kids tackling a subject far beyond the scope of any one documentary. I would be the first to admit that our film definitely contained errors, it still does contain some dubious claims, and it does come to some conclusions that are not 100% backed up by the facts…. ” - Dylan Avery December 2006

Google Video Link

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Back on the Loose Change Topic:

“We made that film essentially as a bunch of kids. That’s the reality of the situation; we were a bunch of kids tackling a subject far beyond the scope of any one documentary. I would be the first to admit that our film definitely contained errors, it still does contain some dubious claims, and it does come to some conclusions that are not 100% backed up by the facts…. ” - Dylan Avery December 2006

I'd rather have him say something like this rather than "no's 100% correct and if you don't believe me, you must be part of a cult." At least this way, he's showing that he has an open mind to admit parts could be wrong.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 09:08 AM
Griff.... Im cool with him admitting it... BUT WHY would he continue to pass the video out!!! The day AFTER this debate where he admitted to this. He posted on his MySpace that he was going out to pass out another 50,000 copies!!! He is spreading LIES that he himself has admitted to doing. I DO have a problem with that!

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Well Evil Dick, I understand where you're coming from but the fact that some of the material in his video may contain inaccuracies does not necessarily mean that he's spreading lies nor does it impeach the entire body of work. If we were to use your line of reasoning then we can say that NIST, the 9/11 Commission and the Bush Administration are all spreading lies.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Griff.... Im cool with him admitting it... BUT WHY would he continue to pass the video out!!! The day AFTER this debate where he admitted to this. He posted on his MySpace that he was going out to pass out another 50,000 copies!!! He is spreading LIES that he himself has admitted to doing. I DO have a problem with that!

I agree totally. They should fix the lies/disinfo before passing out any more copies. Like I've said, I haven't watched it. Are the lies/disinfo enough to change the movie or are they small and irrellevant (sp?)?

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
Well Evil Dick, I understand where you're coming from but the fact that some of the material in his video may contain inaccuracies does not necessarily mean that he's spreading lies nor does it impeach the entire body of work. If we were to use your line of reasoning then we can say that NIST, the 9/11 Commission and the Bush Administration are all spreading lies.

Jtma... your right! The 911 Commission is a joke. I actually posted that as my top 5 conspiracies for 911. Read the quote from Dylan... IMO he should STOP spreading his lies. (or fix them as Griff mentions)

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 10:55 AM

They make claims that cell phone calls were possible computer enhanced. That flight 93 landed somewhere else....Osama Bin Laden does not wear rings... etc. I havent watched it since November but there is some pretty silly stuff in there.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 12:20 PM

They make claims that cell phone calls were possible computer enhanced. That flight 93 landed somewhere else....Osama Bin Laden does not wear rings... etc. I havent watched it since November but there is some pretty silly stuff in there.

Well you'll be happy that the final cut with no errors get out this march/april and it will be in theaters.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 02:54 PM
So thats the rumor I've heard. Right now im in the middle of watching this video where people didnt see 20 ft light pole dropped infront of their cars... VERY INTERESTING !!!

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Right now im in the middle of watching this video where people didnt see 20 ft light pole dropped infront of their cars... VERY INTERESTING !!!

Did these same people see an aircraft 20ft above their cars? If not, how did a 20 foot light pole just fall down on their cars? I have a theory but would need to know more about air vertices and such. I'll post it on the PentaCon thread though as not to derail this thread.

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