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The Updating of US Currency design.

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posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:08 PM
At first I was trying to compare all of them to see how the US money design changed after 2001. But I found something interesting on the NEW 20 dollar bill. The Omega symbol is created over the White House.

1) Omega (uppercase Ω, lowercase ω) is the 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet.
1a) This could mean that it is the last stage until the beginning of the New World Order?

2)word literally means "great O" (ō mega, mega meaning 'great')
2a) Could it mean that the "White House" is the "Great White House" GWH could that relate to one of their names?

3)In the Bible, Jesus Christ, or God the Son (a part of the Trinity), declares himself to be the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last".
3a) Could this mean that it is the "End" and "The Last" of the world?

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by rrahim1
At first I was trying to compare all of them to see how the US money design changed after 2001. But I found something interesting on the NEW 20 dollar bill. The Omega symbol is created over the White House.

ha took me a min but i see it.

theres also an omega symbol around george washington on the one dollar bill.

[edit on 19-2-2007 by Funkydung]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:22 PM
It's a stretch, I do see it but i had to really think about it (maybe it's just me) It's something to think about though. i just think it's all a coincidence. most of the dollar bill things are, imho.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:28 AM
one thing is for sure there are no coincidences. I don't think you could find even one police investigator who belives in coincidences.

The alpha omega part is a very interesting concept. You could possibly be on to something there with the money thing.

The one dollar bill definately has numerous references to the Occult and the New World Order.

Novous Ordo Seclorum. Secular in Latin also means World. So there you have it. New World Order isn't just a hoakey internet conspiracy theory. Although Bush himself let it out of the bag in 1990.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by Jotfish]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 03:07 AM
Also what you say about George Bush Senior speech in 91. He spoke of the new world order for the first time. But you guy's need to understand that he screwed up big time!!

Internet was created in 1989
In July 1995, Microsoft released the Windows 95 operating system

Now you see that Bush senior was an old timer and he was into drugs and politics. He never kept up with new technological advances and did not know how big the internet would get. He thought the internet was in control by the government if it even existed. So 5 year's later Windows is released and 10 year's after that we would have to share videos and expose them.


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