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Yawn. Are you people still here?

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posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 09:23 PM
It's been over 5 years since 9/11. And all of your good work has put this thing to rest.

Funny story though on that. I've noticed Howard Roark gave up trying to debunk and the last time I saw Dr. Fungi I sent him a video link of a firefighter saying there's a bomb in the building and to start clearing out. That was the last of the good doctor.

Seriously though. It's getting old. We know already. You should use what time is left in the world to accomplish some of your personal goals while you still have time.

I was struck by the theories aswell and it was hard accepting the fact that yes indeed it was an inside job and that history is repeating. I(t's very hard. It's a form of depression that you all must get over.

Anyways... I discovered self empowerment by not paying attention to this stuff. By seizing the day and accomplishing things I've wanted to do.

I haven't been on this site for a while but I want to explain to you all how fruitless and pointless it is to really try and predict when things will happen or even trying to convince other people. At the end of the day you have only yourself to worry about (circumstances pending)

My suggest to all of you is forget this crap and stop wasting your time on sites like these. I never realized that I was wasting my life by visiting these sites everyday. It's good to know the truth don't get me wrong. But I just had to say my piece on this stuff.

That is all I wanted to say. Don't spend too much time on this stuff.

[edit on 19-2-2007 by Jotfish]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:15 PM
You must have multiple accounts then because you just registered today. If you think this site is all about 9-11 and thats it, you are sadly mistaken. We are still here due to the community. You obviously are not. So why create another account just to come on here and complain.

My suggest to all of you is forget this crap and stop wasting your time on sites like these. I never realized that I was wasting my life by visiting these sites everyday. It's good to know the truth don't get me wrong. But I just had to say my piece on this stuff.

But yet you came back. whats the matter, did your other account get banned and you couldn't stand being away from the very place you are telling us to get away from??? Troll alert, Troll alert.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:37 PM
Indeed... only 2% of all posts are in the "9/11 Conspiracies Forum", and only 6% of visitors indicate they're interested in the topic:

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0
If you think this site is all about 9-11 and thats it, you are sadly mistaken. We are still here due to the community. You obviously are not. So why create another account just to come on here and complain.

You have my WATS vote for that!

There are a lot of people here who don't think there's much to the 9/11 conspiracy theories (I'm one of them) but are still interested in the discussion of many other topics covered here.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:09 PM
Oh Jotfish, you just harshed my ATS buzz. :shk:

I think the members here have asked some very valid questions about 9/11, and members have dissected the event in every detail.
It's the input of this community that brought me to the conclusion that it was a terrorist attack and nothing more.

I can also guarantee you that I'm spending my time on this planet doing exactly what I want to do, and I don't feel my time is wasted when I spend time on ATS.

I do want to thank you for your concern though, it shows that you care about us.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:30 PM
A terrorist attack and nothing more? Yet 100 Israeli Mossad agents were arrested immediately after the event on 9/11 and in connection with 9/11. They called the police and told them palestinian terrorists were on the brooklyn bridge.

And it's funny how Norad had 1 hour between the first hijacking signal and the WTC 1 on a day which saw numerous Norad and other military exercises which should have increased their response time.

2 hours between the first hijack warning and the Pentagon attack yet not one plane makes it off the tarmack at Andrews Airforce base to protect the military nerve centre?

Yes indeed. A terrorist attack and nothing more.


Anyways. Alot of the responders here failed to realize what I was trying to say as I guess I didn't make myself clear.

One I'm a former member from ages ago. I had my account deleted.

All I'm saying is people are looking into it way too much. Alot of the same topics get rehased and reposted time and time again. All I'm saying is get out there and enjoy the sun. Forget about this stuff for a little while and enjoy yourselves. I read through peoples posts and I can clearly tell (from experience I might add) that sometimes it's too much to handle for some.

We'll have all the world to worry about this stuff when Israel and the US launch their "surprise attack" for lack of a better term; on Iran.

[edit on 19-2-2007 by Jotfish]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:35 PM

Thankyou for your concern but I think the people that contribute to this site
know how best to spend their time.

I like to spend time here because it allows me to explore
and hopefully expand my mind (very minuscule it is !!!).

9\11 will always be a topic that smacks of conspiracy for some, maybe not for all and that's ok.

The important thing about ATS and the people that post here is that they are sharing information across the globe.


posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:38 PM
a sense of community is good I admit that. But strickly speaking from experience it's good to get involved in real life communities too. Not just online. I read alot of peoples posts and I find they are alot like how I was when I was on this site. It's easy to spend hours on this site and thats not a healthy thing.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:41 PM
Well you know a reminder doesn't hurt, sometimes the opposite thing is needed and should be heard. I agree, with you that people can spend to much time on things, however the 9/11 movement is growing and more and more people are becoming aware of things.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:46 PM
It is great that people are aware but It's easy to get too much into it. It's very good that North America is realizing it was an inside job. Finially we know who the real enemy is and we finially know why we aren't evolving into the type of world we should be living in. And more importantly we finially know why History keeps repeating itself.

Its good to know these things but it's better to forget about them too. My life improved greatly the moment I stopped posting on this site. I forgot about things, starting getting involved in various aspects of my life and I don't regret it one bit. I actually accomplished some things I've wanted to do but reading into conspiracy theories stopped me from enjoying my life for a time. This is the warning I'm trying to get out.

[edit on 19-2-2007 by Jotfish]

[edit on 19-2-2007 by Jotfish]

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:46 PM
It is unfair to assume that ATS is the only community that some of us are involved in.

A lot of us work, have families and do loads of other activities aside from posting at ATS. I am a volunteer in my locval community in my spare time...that can be very draining mentally and physically, so ATS is sometimes a welcome relief for me anyway. Maybe I am a weird. It floats my boat !!!

Each to their own....

Different horses for different courses....

[edit on 19-2-2007 by resistancia]


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