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Might sound dumb but... why do UFO's crash?

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posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Well, since I got my information directly from these beings themselves I'll stick with what I have said.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by yeti101
we dont have any proof that they have crashed. My opinion is none have crashed to earth ever.

I tend to agree with that, but am not so absolutist. I just see no clear evidence of a crash, although some intriguing hints. In the UFO mythosphere, they crash frequently, and Black Ops guys remove all traces, including the bodies of accident victims.

Given that, let's speculate:

  1. They could be operating very old technology that no one among them currently understands very well. A very advanced technology would be self-repairing, and even the repairing technology would be self-repairing, but at some point little instabilities in this loop could creep in, and no one would know how to correct them. Far from home, these might result in faults that do not get properly repaired and result in disaster.
  2. A civilization that survives for a very long time would have eschewed war, and would have long stopped building their machines to survive deliberate hostility. Even a fairly crude weapon could bring them down if they're not ready for it.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by disownedsky]

[edit on 20-2-2007 by disownedsky]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 06:50 PM

1. What makes you think they're using outdated technology of their own? Like a soviet satellite country with some old MIGs or tanks? While there may be a number of species more advanced than us we don't know the distance in advancement between those species or factions. All humans look very similar but obviously have different languages, techs, cultures, etc. So even though we see a lot of Grey's their intentions could be very different. We can't assume that their species is united when ours, on a single planet, is far from it.

2. I feel like this is just too optimistic. The nature of life and the universe cause greed to be an incredible factor. We live in universe of limited resources/energy and someone is always going to need more. This is of course assuming that zero point energy and the like don't exist but I think there will be some resource to always fight over. The universe becomes more entropic and disorder so our nature is to obtain more organization, power, or energy to offset this balance. No matter how advanced a civilization is I think some of the basic principles of social interaction and status can be applied to them. It's all relative, just like the universe, regardless of scale of civilization or tech. But I hope to God that the future ends up your way.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Parabol
No matter how advanced a civilization is I think some of the basic principles of social interaction and status can be applied to them. It's all relative, just like the universe, regardless of scale of civilization or tech. But I hope to God that the future ends up your way.

By this are you suggesting that some ET's may have bought UFO equivalent to hoopdees? so there isn't a grey version of the lemon law?

Grey wife: Herb, you should have had the car checked before we left Andromeda.

Grey husband: Martha it's going to be alright the core will last for us to make a quick trip to earth.

(pop sproing whrrrrrrrr)

Grey husband: uh oh....

Grey wife: I told you so Herb...

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 08:16 AM
Just to clarify, previously I've stated the THEORY that early radar may have caused some crashes...

The idea being that the use of radar was not expected or accounted for, and occassionally caused interference in their alleged wave propulsion drive... Due to the sudden lack of crashes after this initial period, if this is to blame, it's fairly reasonable to assume they quickly learned to compensate for this...but, the time of the majority of crash cases corresponds to the early use of radar. May be a coincidence, may not be.

Also, high tech is not infallible, at least with us, so safe assumption this is true for them as well. We still crash cars, and we've been driving over a century. We still crash planes, same thing.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 05:43 AM
On the disclosure project DVD the US soldier who was interviewed, said that when he went to a UFO crash site that it had been shot down by the US military using a missile that explodes fragments over a volume. The US government (and maybe others?) are shooting them down, killing or capturing the aliens and stealing their technology. And some of you wonder why they wont make contact. It makes me sick.

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