posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 05:14 AM
At this point President Bush knows how unpopular he is, and what unpopular wars he has started. The downside, short of impeachment which the American
Congress lacks the spine to propose and pass, there is no way to stop this eventuality.
We are going to start another war, which indirectly is spawned because of the lies told to get us into Iraq in the first place.
Why aren't we going to N. Korea? For a while there Kim Jong Il was talking to anyone who would listen, saying that he is going to harm the U.S. and
it's interests.
I know why... N.Korea will call up their buddies in China, and have them cripple our economy by dumping the American Dollar investments it has. The
chinese economy has been intertwined with ours so much we absolutely depend on them for production of goods. If they were to alter what trade we do
have with them it could cause a world wide depression like the old days. If China wanted to, they could put the world into an economic Ice Age again.
We have enough Oil, trust me. The Government just wants to control it, so they can reap the rewards. What we don't have enough of is homegrown
manufacturing of absolutely everything else, like microchips, and universally used goods like tools.