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If You Had 1 Day To Spend in Shanksville What Would You Do?

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posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 06:30 PM
I might be making another trip near Shanksville this week.

I was wondering what other ATS members would be most curious about if they were able to visit the town where Flight 93 is said to have crashed.

If the goal was to learn a little more of the "truth" about what happened on 9/11, what would you do if you had one day to spend in Shanksville?

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by nick7261
I might be making another trip near Shanksville this week.

I was wondering what other ATS members would be most curious about if they were able to visit the town where Flight 93 is said to have crashed.

If the goal was to learn a little more of the "truth" about what happened on 9/11, what would you do if you had one day to spend in Shanksville?

Well i guess i might want to talk to some of the witnesses, mabe in a light atmosphere like a bar, or if i knew enough people wre interested maybe have a little open forum. I would want to talk to at least 2 people, the woman who saw the second small plane and the guy who said his lights flickered.

Of course i would have to stop at the memorial. I would like to go but between the weather we are having and trying to get off work it might be tough.

posted on Feb, 19 2007 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Well i guess i might want to talk to some of the witnesses, mabe in a light atmosphere like a bar, or if i knew enough people wre interested maybe have a little open forum. I would want to talk to at least 2 people, the woman who saw the second small plane and the guy who said his lights flickered.

Of course i would have to stop at the memorial. I would like to go but between the weather we are having and trying to get off work it might be tough.

Which guy saw lights flicker? I never heard this story?

I'm not sure that there are any bars anywhere around Shanksville. It's a very small, spread out, farming town.

Did you ever see Twin Peaks??? That's what Shanksville reminds me of.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:31 AM
I would ask the neighbours what they thought about the plane crashing nose first but yet it left a 10 miles wreckage trail.

I think this is the most interesting part. 10 miles wreckage trail means only one thing and the administration blatently lied about the incident, not to mention hollywood added insult to injury by making that movie and profiting greatly from fiction. almost fiction. people still died on 9/11 and we shouldn't forget that. It's just sad that they were used the way they were by the administration and how we were lied to and we didn't even know up from down.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by Jotfish]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Jotfish
I would ask the neighbours what they thought about the plane crashing nose first but yet it left a 10 miles wreckage trail.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by Jotfish]

Yeah, I'd like to talk to the people in Indian Lake and New Baltimore about the debris they found, and if anybody "encouraged" them to keep quiet about it.

To me the most interesting thing is learning about the feds' reaction to the whole incident, like how they discounted the woman who saw the low flying "military" plane that went right over her SUV.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 02:48 PM
Dude, I would say - if this hasn't already transpired, if you're onto something real, which you at least suspect, obv. watch your back. remain calm, move cautiously, make as many friends as possible, and be willing to accept whatever truth you find and report honestly. In one day... milk it - pre-arrange a few meetings, well-selected people. A bar is good. Every town has at LEAST one bar and one church.
Now if you had longer than a day - talk to locals, eyewitnesses, look for consistencies and inconsistencies in reports, do a scientific field study. You'd need interns, coffee service, streaming internet, teleconference...

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Dude, I would say - if this hasn't already transpired, if you're onto something real, which you at least suspect, obv. watch your back. remain calm, move cautiously, make as many friends as possible, and be willing to accept whatever truth you find and report honestly. In one day... milk it - pre-arrange a few meetings, well-selected people. A bar is good. Every town has at LEAST one bar and one church.
Now if you had longer than a day - talk to locals, eyewitnesses, look for consistencies and inconsistencies in reports, do a scientific field study. You'd need interns, coffee service, streaming internet, teleconference...

Believe me, this is a place where you feel like you need to watch your back in general. You ever see the tv show Twin Peaks?

I can go back there once or twice a week if it's worthwhile. What type of "field study" would you suggest?

BTW, one of the creepiest things about the place is the memorial site. Understand, this place is in the middle of NOWHERE... and they have a cop posted there 24/7 in a patrol car in the middle of what looks like an empty corn field. Trust me, the whole place gives off a weird vibe... you'd have to drive through the are to appreciate what I'm talking about.

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