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A creature in my past...

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posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 02:27 PM
I've been digging into my childhood lately and my parents told me some stuff that inspired a series of flashbacks until I knew the whole story by heart.
This is how it goes...

When I was about five I would start to hear tapping on my window. For the first to weeks I would just sit in my room with the lights, scared half to death and wait until I would eventually fall asleep. By morning I would barley remember anything and when I did my parents would say I was just having a nightmare. Eventually I got used to the sense of terror and was able to ignore the tapping. Then the tapping would turn into a tap, tap, scrape. Eventually I was tired of my parents thinking I was just having nightmares, so I decided to wait through it. I don't know why I didn't just have my parents stay in there with me, but hey, I was just 4 or 5. That night it showed and first it tapped, then it scraped, and then it would bang and shake at the window. With some passing light I managed to get a good look at it. I saw a long, skinny, crooked arm with skinny, demented fingers. At first I was terified, but then I felt relieved. I figured it was just a stupid tree branch and turned the lights off, and went to sleep. The next morning when I woke up I went to my mom and told her that I found what was tapping my window. She asked me what and I explained it was just a tree branch. "What tree branch?" She asked
"The one right outside my window." I said.
"Honey, theres no tree outside your window. Are you having those nightmares again?" She said.
Thats all I remember and I don't think that the thing ever came back after that night. Has any ever had a similar experience or know what was bugging me?

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 10:41 PM
What you have experienced is not uncommon by any means. Many people seem to think that there are different dimensions and places we cannot see. Aswell there are creatures,beings and entities that come from these places aswellas dwell here on earth with and around us everyday.

Many cannot be seen some would say,now the reasons why we cannot vary.

Now on a side note i must say this,reality may be reality,but perception of
reality can and will change from each person. What one person will think feel and even perhaps see of the same thing can be totally different.

In percaeprtion of our own reality,we must look at the fact that we see with our own eyes and mind.People at different levels or stages in their perception will see and remember a different event then say a person who was also there.

We live in and around eachother and communicate on a real time basis with those we come into contact with,so one is to believe that we can all see hear and feel the same things.

Yet with even what we are talking about now seeing and hearing things,
some people cannot see clour as others do,or cannot see as far. So how come it is so hard to believe that someone can see something and hear something that another cannot.

I'm not saying this applies here as you said your mother was not in the room with you,but the fact that she nmay have never seen or experienced this before may leave her doubting you,or shirking it off as choildhood imagination.

Now this is where it gets tricky. The percaeption of the world we live in is somewhat molded in our younger years,many will form a reality bareier keeping those bad things out. Usually this comes over time with being told those things are not real. My friend regardless of whether or not something was doing this outside your window in the physical world where anyone can see,does not matter,you witnessed it. The mind cannot differentiate that which it sees in real time and what it remembers.

In the field of what it could be, many different entities exsistences revolve around the energies that only a child can give.The state of which a child is in within their mind can lead to them to believe in many things.

Beings such as dream stealers or planeswalkers of different kinds will sometimes need to find a human mind which they can use to travel into certain realms we are connected with through our subconcious being.

Certain ghosts will scare children to feed their own energy storage,as we emit our emotions into the area around us,sometimes the ghost will act more violently or strangely to get more of a reaction out of the person in question.

There are many different explanations I could offer.

But let me say this. I'm twenty five and yes I have experienced so many things I cant really sift through them all the time.

But as a child both me and my brother were effected by gremlins which lived in the basement of our house, we would both have dreams of our friends getting ripped apart and stuff..Not pretty,considering I was only like 6 at the time.My brother is 6 years older then me. I was haunted by many things iun that house.I used to sleep underneath my parents door,even though i was scared,it seemed like i was trying to protect them,though I was young then I still remember alot of it.

I even made my dad take the door off of my closet and take the legs off of my bed .

I could say more... but for now ill leave it at that

Hope it helps.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 11:55 AM
I believe in ghosts and the paranormal but have u ever researched sleep paralysis? Sounds like that could have been a possibility

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:17 AM
I've seen a few of your posts of creatures and such that you have encountered. All I can say is, you must have nerves of steel.
I would have died of just pure fright seeing or experiencing what you have. I give you credit for not losing it.
I'd have been mentally done in!

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Spiralina
I've seen a few of your posts of creatures and such that you have encountered. All I can say is, you must have nerves of steel.
I would have died of just pure fright seeing or experiencing what you have. I give you credit for not losing it.
I'd have been mentally done in!

haha thanks but most of the time I have friends with me and they help me pull through!

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 07:44 PM
Strange... Seems quite plausible, though. I mean, if theres no trees out side your window what could it have been?

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 09:27 PM
that is very creepy. but i have to agree with other posters and say that an appiraton contacted you from the astral plane

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 10:37 PM
dude, ive seen the SAME EXACT thing as you when i was younger, ive told the story so many times im getting sick of it! But when i was around 10 years old i saw a shadow on my window of a long skinny arm with 4 long fingers... it went across the shade and made a grabbing motion and then went back into the darkness...... scared the living crap out of me. And the thing thats REALLY weird is a few years ago, my twin brother told me he saw the same exact thing!!

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by hikix
dude, ive seen the SAME EXACT thing as you when i was younger, ive told the story so many times im getting sick of it! But when i was around 10 years old i saw a shadow on my window of a long skinny arm with 4 long fingers... it went across the shade and made a grabbing motion and then went back into the darkness...... scared the living crap out of me. And the thing thats REALLY weird is a few years ago, my twin brother told me he saw the same exact thing!!

hmmm... I wonder what this thing wants. How many times did you see it?

Oh and if anyone else who is reading this has head a similar experience, please post it in reply.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 03:31 PM
it happened to me once, and it happened to my brother once. Thank god it never happened again.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by hikix
it happened to me once, and it happened to my brother once. Thank god it never happened again.

Do have any idea why it came to u and your bro? This thing must've wanted something right?

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Frank Black
I believe in ghosts and the paranormal but have u ever researched sleep paralysis? Sounds like that could have been a possibility

LOL sleep paralysis seems to be some peoples answer to everything lately. though i never thought anyone would suggest that in a topic so obviously unbelievable different to anything even related to sleep paralysis.

EDIT i just noticed that everyone this happened to had a brother. now while i believe these things can and do happen have you ever considered that your brothers were playing pranks on you? i remember this toy i had as a child called the 'claw' that sounds like it would have been perfect for scaring the hell out of my little brother. too bad i never though of that....

[edit on 6-4-2007 by HuntaXX]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 02:58 PM
I guess the prank thing could be a possibility for some people, only when it happened to me was brother was 2


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