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Strange things in the sky? or just messing up your eyes???

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posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 09:32 PM

Ok..i have a question that may seem pretty strange to most people...

Awhile back i was walkin out of a store with my brother, normal day, nothing stranged happened...until I walked outside. For some strange reason when i looked out into the air not even like 4 feet in front of my face and saw what looked like a million tiny white lights flying around eachother like a giant swarm of flys...i rubbed my eyes and they were gone. After that night i hadn't seen them for awhile, until i figgured out how to trick my eyes into seeing them anytime. When i look into the sky and sort of mess up my eyes, as if you were focusing really hard on an object thats not even there. At first the sky looks kinda like the fuzzy stuff on tv when there aint no cable, but as i focus even harder i can see them as clear as day and the more you watch them the closer they come, and i can see them in any direction i look...

now i know that probably sounds crazy...or really stupid...i dunno it just sounded really weird to me and ive never heard anyone talk about something like that. I figure that its some kind of effect from focusing my eyes too hard (but it looks too real to me, and then how would you explain the first time? i wasn't focusing at all that time!)

if anyone has any knowledge of this or something similar to this, please let me know

[Edited on 18-12-2003 by TheOpposite]

[Edited on 18-12-2003 by TheOpposite]

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 09:43 PM
i see this all the time anymore, if i focus on any well-lit, more lightly colored surface for any period of time. if its too bright (IE tv, computer screen) i dont see them. ive heard them called floaters, but floaters are particles in the eye, and theres CERTAINLY not that number of floaters in ANYONES eye, unless you get an injection of dirt and rocks or something along those lines. might be the random off-firing of nerves?

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 09:46 PM
I am able to see what you describe also. I have come across several explanations for this. One I came across is that the cells or rods in the eye are like the pixels in a digital camera and they fail. The things you are seeing are these failed rods or cells that used to work and now don't. In a few cases it was explained that these dead cells become impurities that float on top of your eye membrane?

I don't know if that explains what I see or not.

The other explanation is better and that it is you seeing the edge of reality so to speak, the fabric of this level of existance as you leave it and enter into the next. What I noticed about this is that it happens a lot at night and when my eyes are on an angle. Also this happens more when my eyes are tired due to strain. So it is possible that this is a result of strain somehow affecting the eye too. Not aware if this is a known condition.

I have one last thing to say and that at times it seems that I can see these little creatures floating around in the film of my eye and they look like little ameobas and cilla and similar types of microrganisms.

Strange stuff really and I couldn't find much info on the web on these issues. Maybe I don't know what to look for I guess.

Thanks a good subject that is a bit out of the ordinary.

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 10:53 PM

do they look like wormy things with like rights that look like 0's?

iv had them for along time...

there annoying sometimes but you live with it

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 10:56 PM
You can get eye flashes and they actually are not a good sign for the health of your eyes. If you continally get eye flashes, it could mean you are in danger of getting retinal detachment. Don't worry about it if it only happened once, but if you get it every day, go seek an eye doctor.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:56 AM
I just had this happen to me about 2 hours ago. It wasnt the first time, usually happens once a month. The thing is I just brush it off as an old ACID flash back, because thats what I saw when I was on ACID the one time I did it.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 03:26 AM
I don't exactly know what you're talking about. But when I was younger, I used to go to the house across the street, look out their window and it looked like I could see little infinite particles floating around, just staring blankly outside. I can't see them anywhere else..

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 03:47 AM
Hi all!!

For a medical theory, perhaps they were floaters?

For a paranormal theory, perhaps's Constables critters??

Happy hunting!!

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 06:52 AM
oh, i just think it's something your eyes do, because i see them all the time. used to think i was the only one whom could see them, then i thought they were matter and i had ultra strong eyes, and then i decided i was just playing tricks on myself. i find it interesting, though, i wonder why it happens?

[Edited on 19-12-2003 by effigyrelease]

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 08:38 AM
I see them too...I tend to believe they are natural to the human for whatever reason.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 12:07 AM
I see the little sparly things all the time and their not just white by a very light blue and pink. Course i thought maybe somethign was wrong with my eyes so i went to the doctor and i have twenty-twenty-one vision so im fine.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 12:22 AM
You know the expression, "seeing stars"?

Another common phosphene is “seeing stars,” from a sneeze, blow on the head or low blood pressure (such as on standing up too quickly or prior to fainting). It is possible these involve some mechanical stimulation of the retina, but they may also involve mechanical and metabolic stimulation of neurons of the visual cortex or of other parts of the visual system.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:09 AM
I see these all the time, if i look at the sky. I always thought this was strange. S+F

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:26 PM
I get them mainly when looking at a clear blue sky. For want of a better description, mine appear like how you would see sperm active under a microscope, swimming around and very lively. They're not floaters, because I get them too and they're completely different, more like big coasting blobs than these little swimming things. I was told by my optician that I have very sticky eyes, so I put it down to that.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:58 AM
ive been trying to figure out what ive been seeing in the sky for the last few months, looked up everything i could, still no luck. it looks to me (and several friends) kinda like static noise (like on the tv if no channel tuned). we see it in the sky, clear blue sky, but looks like a crazy swarm of bugs or emf field or something. ive even videotaped it- so its NOT just my eyes playing tricks. it also has little occasional flashes and zig zags here and there. its in most of the sky to some extent, but much more intense in certain parts and often seems denser lower in the sky.
if you remember the scene in the original Willy Wonka movie when the little annoying boy was shrunk to candy bar size, it looks like what was in the air over their heads when he got zapped.

we live near active fault lines. so maybe its an electrical field or geomagnetic anomaly of some sort? ?? i also would like to know what the hell we're seeing.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:38 AM
This is perfectly normal and isn't paranormal at all.

However, i forget the name for it....

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Ahah, I get these a lot. Its perfectly normal.

I am an amateur MMA fighter and when I take a good blow to the head or a firm choke I get these. its simply the quickened loss of circulation to your brain. You can get these from various things. Looking up can cause this due to the quickened motion unaccustomed to the human spine; which is why you get them when you look up.
Another simple cause of this is going from dark to light very quickly, the act of focusing your eyes will also cause a similar effect as blood struggles to keep up to the increased action.

Hope that helps! ^_^

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 07:50 PM
Hi guys, i've never been on a site like this but just found it and joined then because i was riding my bike this morning and feeling really happy and relaxed and saw lights in the sky sort of looked like a squiggly worm with circles in the middle along the whole 'worm'. kind of how you would picture sound waves maybe orr aboriginal art, cells, im not sure how to describe it but i drew it down in my room lol. a peer reviewed respose would be great but i guess we cant get that! p.s i had been really unhealthy but since changing to an optimal diet, following my dreams and getting in touch with my inner self, strange things like this are starting to happen.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 07:54 PM
me again lol, id also like to add, we cant define what 'normal' is, whos to say what is normal or not. just because its happened to lots of us doesnt make it normal, and im wondering if it could be another human sense evolving or something. just keeping an open mind to it.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Wow, this just happened the other day and i've been looking in to what it was.. I can focus on it and make it happen now but, i was curious about it but didn't know how to search for what I was seeing! hehe.... And who would have thought that a thread from 2003 would resurface to see that i'm not alone!


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