part 2
Have you been threatened for speaking out?
I have been amazed that in spite of testifying against the United States at a major international terrorism trial (see and in spite of all of my Internet work exposing cover-ups, I have never had any threats other
than a few inconsequential emails. A number of my friends and colleagues have been threatened and even seriously harassed, but I have not. I suspect
that because I'm not trying to hide anything and because I don't see anyone as my enemy, I'm considered a lower risk than others involved in this
You are slap bang in the middle of the infighting in the 911scholars movement. how do you believe this current situation can be resolved?
I'm very sad that the conflict at Scholars for 9/11 Truth ended up splitting the group. I was originally called in to help mediate between Jim Fetzer
and Steve Jones to avoid a split. However, when Fetzer did some things that threatened the job of my personal friend Alex Floum, I stepped in to help.
As no one else was willing at the time, I took over ownership of the website domain names from Alex so that he would not lose his job. As it became
quite clear that Fetzer and Jones would not be willing to work together, I eventually organized a vote of the entire membership. The results of the
vote by a six to one ratio supported a neutral joint home page for the two groups of scholars, which is what you find now at both
and Unless Fetzer decides to sue, the issue is thankfully now resolved.
What is your view of delmart 'mike' vreeland?
Vreeland certainly comes from a shady past, which makes me question how reliable he is as a source. Because of this, we barely mention him on That said, his story is quite plausible and there are documents to show that some of what he is saying is true. Even though parts of
his case are solid, we avoid using him on our website as there are so many other, much stronger cases which don't have all of the baggage that goes
along with Vreeland.
Do you believe the infighting to be a deliberate attempt to discredit the movement?
I am fairly certain that some disinformation and mind control techniques were used to bring about this split in the scholars group. However, it's
important to understand that many of the people involved are being manipulated at subconscious levels, so that they don't even realize how they are
being manipulated. For more on this, see our important, highly reliable two-page summary on mind control at
Do you have any personal experience of the alleged infiltration taking place?
I generally encourage people not to look at who is or isn't a disinformation agent, as this can be very difficult to determine and lead to more
polarization of the movement. As I said, many don't even realize how they are being manipulated or that they might have been programmed or
controlled. Instead of trying to figure out who are the infiltrators, I find it is best to look at who is working to unite the movement and who is
working to divide us. I have no doubt that there were certain people behind Jim Fetzer who were working consciously to divide the movement, whether or
not they were agents.
You have been accused by some of being an inside agent yourself. how do you react to these claims?
I almost always find myself smiling when I learn someone thinks I'm an agent. The truth is yes, I am an agent! I am an agent for the good of all of
us. I am deeply committed to what's best for everyone on this planet. This is my secret agenda - only it's not so secret. As I said I really am not
interested in who is or is not an agent and pay little attention to any who call me an agent. I'm much more interested in knowing who is doing good
work to unite the movement and expose all that is going on, and who is working to divide us. By working together and inviting all who are united for
the good of all in our world, I know that we can and will make a big difference.
What would be your top 5 proofs of a 911 coverup?
From early on, I've felt that WTC 7 is a key to convincing skeptics. There's lots of debate and controversy about what happened to the twin towers,
but WTC 7 is a slam dunk demolition. See and
for more. The warnings to the Pentagon generals on 9/10 and the fact that Ashcroft stopped flying six weeks before 9/11 also speak volumes. See and The fact that Bush claimed
twice very publicly that he saw the first plane crash into the WTC town before entering the school classroom is also highly revealing. See The articles about the hijackers being alive is also pretty convincing. See As you well know, there are many, many other factors that show the official story cannot
possibly be true. I think our two-page summary at is a great place to begin with for those who don't know or
are skeptical about a 9/11 cover-up. It can easily be printed on one sheet of paper and passed out to many people.
What advice would you give for people who want to help expose the truth?
I suggest that we remember that most people can only handle a certain amount of reality shifting at once. If you hit an unknowing person with
everything you know about a cover-up all at once, it is only natural that they will be overwhelmed and stop listening as psychological defense
mechanisms kick in to protect their view of reality and keep them from feeling threatened and scared by this new information. I'm not at all saying
to hide the facts, but rather to only present as much as a person can mentally and emotionally digest at one time. Then, when those who are open are
ready for more, you can gradually take them as deep as they are ready and/or willing to go. is designed to gradually take people
deeper in this way. For more on this, see and
Is there anything you would like to add (or say to ATS members especially) before we close? specializes in providing key information from sources that are considered reliable and verifiable by the general public. If any of you
have information that meets our criteria, we welcome your sending it in for evaluation and possible posting. We are not so much interested in
preaching to the choir as to reaching out to skeptics and those who don't know, but have somewhat of an open mind. We have been quite successful over
the years in opening the eyes of some key people. David Ray Griffin first learned of the 9/11 cover-up when a colleague of his sent him an email with
our two-page summary of the 9/11 cover-up ( We also have what I believe to be one of the best, most
systematically organized collections of key 9/11 information, which you can find in our 9/11 Information Center at I would also add that though not all of us are going to agree on everything and that disagreement can be
healthy, but let's choose to focus most on the places where we do agree so that we can more powerfully work together to expose what happened on 9/11
and to build a brighter future for us all. Thanks for caring, and I wish you all a good day!
With best wishes,
Fred Burks for and the PEERS team
P.S. We have quite a decent section on UFOs as well. See our UFO Information Center at
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