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Any clue?

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posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 09:26 PM
Okay I did some research on this and couldn't find older post although Im sure its been done before. this video shows a large shark.

The only thing I can find on this shark is that people agree to disagree. No one seems to have the right answer. Does anyone know how big this guy really is?

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 11:22 PM
This is tape of a large sleeper shark that was seen somewhere near Tokyo bay. Someone tried to pass this tape off as evidence of megaladon's existence, thinking that no one would notice that the shark isn't really huge, it's just very close to the camera. WikiPedia has a nice little write-up about sleeper sharks, and they mention that the shark in this particular video was estimated to be somewhere around 23 feet in length.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 05:43 AM
Its a damn good hoax nonetheless. I was hearing the Jaws music with extra bass in my head.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 06:43 AM
wow 23 feet long - that's still huge!! I looked up megalodons and according to wikipedia a few types of sharks get mistaken for them...

Some relatively recent reports of large shark-like creatures have been interpreted as surviving megalodons, but such reports are usually considered misidentification of basking sharks, whale sharks or other large creatures. One well-known example was reported by writer Zane Grey. It is possible, but unlikely, that some of these sightings might be due to abnormally large great white sharks.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 12:05 PM
Yup. It's a sleeper shark also known as a Greenland Shark. Here's a section on size in the article (Wikipedia)

A 7.3 m (24 ft) specimen is frequently mentioned in the literature, and has come to be accepted as a general maximum length, despite the fact that the measurement is in dispute. As compared to the long-running discussion of the measurements of the great white shark, reported measurements of the Greenland shark face little scrutiny, as it is hardly as famous nor as ferocious as the other predatory sharks. Somewhat more credible is the reports of a 6.4 m (21.3 ft) specimen, caught off the Isle of May, Scotland, in January 1895. The weight was reported at 1,021 kg (2,250 lbs).[2] References exist to a specimen with a weight of 1.4 tons (3,000 lbs), but in this case there is no note of the specimen's length.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 01:21 PM
The greenland shark is a animal that is tough to figure out. By natural, and you can tell by watching the video that this is a very slow moving creature. It looks like its more designed for scavenging than for hunting, but don't be fooled. The greenland shark has been known to sit in rivers mouths in Canada and ambush any caribou that try and swin across. Just like a crocodiles. They are also the leading candidate for the mysteries attacks on seals going on at Sable Island, Nova Scotia. No one is really sure how one of these sharks are able to catch a fast swimming seal. Some speculate that they are so slow that the seals just swim up to them out of curosity, but no one really knows.

Very cool fish, one that needs to be studied more.


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