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Hi, ya'll. I was there. Here's the deal

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posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 10:52 PM
This one does:

Those are civilian eyewitnesses, though I hope you won't exclude them for that since they're saying the exact same thing as the ones above, which I'm sure you could find public sources for if you really tried.

Here's another:

He also gave his name and affirmation that his testimony is true.

Are you really going to argue this down into the fine minutia too?

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 07:48 AM
Well of COARSE im going to argue ...what fun would it be if I just roll over and say... oh ok this military guy is 100% right. Did he ever release the analyisis that he had done? (joe Harp)

What was Joe's record in the military like? How was he discharged? Just a few things I will research my self.

Thanks though Bsbray I appreciate you posting this.

Add To Edit:

A little numerology in regards to OAk. bombing:

04 — The month of the Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19th, 1995)
19 — The day
95 — The year
09 — The hour the bomb went off
02 — The minute

06 — The month McVeigh was executed
11 — The day
01 — The year
07 — The hour he was pronounced dead
14 — The minute

Adds up to: 168 — the number of people killed!

[edit on 22-2-2007 by CameronFox]

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox

04 — The month of the Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19th, 1995)
19 — The day
95 — The year
09 — The hour the bomb went off
02 — The minute

06 — The month McVeigh was executed
11 — The day
01 — The year
07 — The hour he was pronounced dead
14 — The minute

Adds up to: 168 — the number of people killed!

[edit on 22-2-2007 by CameronFox]

thats just tacky - have a shred of class please for all who died.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 08:55 AM
I didnt make it up .... I saw it from an Indian man who posted this. Don't shoot the messenger !!

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Well of COARSE im going to argue ...what fun would it be if I just roll over and say... oh ok this military guy is 100% right. Did he ever release the analyisis that he had done? (joe Harp)

In any other situation you should have no problem incorporating new information when it was reported by three federal/military institutions and sworn upon by at least two eyewitnesses. Only when you don't WANT to believe it does it become so sticky and hard to digest, but I don't have that problem. Call the guy up yourself if you're interested in his experiences.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Bsbray -

I beg to differ. I actually research what I can and learn from it and draw my own conclusions. I wont be swayed by a couple internet junkies and their opinions. (im not saying this is you)

So far, I have only found a couple sites that have this. Id like to see if the notary public was legit. If the Mrs. Bible woman was a legitimate EMT...

Same things you would do!

Thanks again

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 11:20 AM
No, this isn't something I would do. This would be like Dylan Avery coming out and saying he intentionally put things into Loose Change that he wasn't sure about just to try to make it sound more convincing. Am I going to try to debunk that, going around asking for video of Avery saying this and then having it forensically proven that the guy in the video is actually Dylan Avery? Not hardly.

FEMA, the DoD, and the US military all reported the additional devices being pulled out. Why would they just say that? If you don't believe they actually ever released those documents then you're entitled to your opinion, or you can actually find the sources or whatever.

For what it's worth, here's local news footage, too, explaining how there were explosives within the building, from people that were there that day as this stuff developed:

But you never know, man. Maybe your next line of questioning should be where those news anchors got their news casting degrees, or if they submitted their live news coverage to proper peer review. What do you think? Obviously they're loons.

Or maybe that whole clip is just photoshopped.

[edit on 22-2-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 11:30 AM
I think your over reacting! You posted two memos that do not have any signatures on them. So i questioned that. QUESTIONED it. I did not say they are fake. I did NOT say they were legit. I havent spent much time actually looking into this. So allow me to do some research and get some facts. Sorry for being such a skeptic.

Add To Edit:

The news report you posted was the day of the bombing. Question... could this have been a "fog of war?" Remember on 911 that there were car bombs at malls ..... Light 93 landing in OHio... things like that were all reported. Were these reports that you know of ever retracted?

[edit on 22-2-2007 by CameronFox]

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 07:49 PM
I am a witness that was thousands of miles away!
I heard, after the initial reports of the Oklahoma bomb, within a hour or so of the first news that a US army helicopter(blackhawk)had exploded in mid air over Killeen texas taking all 16 crewmembers with it.
This was the crew and an entire US army demolitions team.
n is an hour away from oklahome city by helo.
I was at work at the time but uniccupied at the moment being as that day i was stuck near my pickup and nad nothing to do most of the time....
I have never been able to get any more info but i KNOW what CBC reported.This newscast was not repeated the next hour......or ever.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Were these reports that you know of ever retracted?

Nope. Those anchors just must not have news casting degrees from an elite enough university, lol. Or "fog of war" works too. Same "fog of war" that made it into the US Forces Daily Command Log and all had those witnesses sign off on it.

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