posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 03:29 AM
I'm pretty much stuck on killing tigers and panthers in STV. I hate seeing so many horde there. I mind my business and all of the sudden a horde that
is either 4 levels under me, or 4 above me appears out of no where and attacks me. Of course, I'm a feral druid, so I pwn them like there's no
tomorrow, which caused them to call in their lvl 70 friends.
Seems like a reoccurring pattern there. I can't wait till I hit lvl 40 and head to Arathi. I'm tired of STV.
Back on topic, I think you should go ahead and choose a server and make a guild charter, so that you have a start. When more WoW players see this, the
guild would have grown with our characters being high enough lvl to help low lvl members.