posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:23 AM
I was thinking, if this scenario played out, a third party candidate could very well have a legitimate chance of winning the presidency.
Scenario: Let's say that the nominee for the Republicans was Newt Gingrich and the nominee for the Domocrats was Hilary Clinton. I think that if such
a scenario occurred, and it very wll may, I think a third party candidate could very well step in and send the Demopukes and Republipukes sliding on
their ears.
The American people are increasingly getting tired of politics as usual... Look at the political atmosphere we've got now. We've got a man on the
Democratic end, who is running on nothing more than appearance and pop culture following. Think real hard, it's not hard to figure out who this
"mystery guy" is. Then we have a woman who, for all intensive purposes, should have socialist tattooed to her head.
The on the dear old Republican side, well, whodo we have? We have several candidates that don't even get mentioned and then we have Giuliani, is he
even Republican? We have John McCain. I wouldn't be surprised to see Newt throw his hat into the ring.
Given the current atmosphere,I think most people are looking for real change,not this hybrid version the Democrats are going to want to offer.
They shout "change," without ever defining what it is they want to change.
So,I am going to make a prediction right here, right now, a third party Candidate will indeed be the political "dark horse" in the 2008 election.
Watch and see what I tell you.