posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 10:37 PM
I think everyone should take a Civic's test. If you fail, no vote or other privelidges. Take it again in a year.
I think we need to get rid of this notion of "equal right's". Not that I disagree with the concept, but rather the notion that everyone has a right
to something, even though they haven't earnt it.
Make people earn "citizenship credit's". maybe join the Military, or work in a key sector or perfrom a vital civic function for a period of time.
I'm think along the line's of Starship trooper's here were people have to earn the right to be a citizen. Anyone else is a civilian and, whilst
having basic right's, have to earn the right to have a say in what happens in the country.
there are too many people who have the right to decide many issues or what Government we have, but barely the brain power to think for themselves or
have an attitude where they think they are entitled to the World. Make the bugger's earn it.
Even I would accept this and I have done no service for my country. I work, I have a career, but I haven't served or helped my community in any way.
I also don't claim benefit's I might add. Once people realise they have a stake in the country and have to earn certain right's, I think alot would