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9/11 documentary on BBC UK

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posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 05:30 AM
18/02/07 9pm
Just though any uk based types would like to know.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 05:38 AM
i do not know what the show will be like, but people have to remember that the bbc is run by mi5.

also people watching for the first time, may not get the message depending on how they play the conspiracy part of it.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
i do not know what the show will be like, but people have to remember that the bbc is run by mi5.

So that's why they have so many cheap makeover and reality TV programmes
Persumably also explain a the perceived anti-Israeli and anti-Bush stance?

The Conspiracy Files

Sun 18 Feb, 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm 60mins

An investigation of the growing number of conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks.

Some people believe that the American Government allowed or actively helped the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. And why was America so unprepared when terror attack warnings had been received? The Conspiracy Files travels across the United States to investigate and speak to eyewitnesses, and tries to separate fact from fiction. [S]

Programme details as per BBC websites

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
i do not know what the show will be like, but people have to remember that the bbc is run by mi5.

also people watching for the first time, may not get the message depending on how they play the conspiracy part of it.

This is an important point,one which a lot may not understand unfortunately.

Don't trust the BBC (British Brainwashing Corporation) as far as you can throw them.They are government puppets,who are controlled by the formentioned MI5,MI6 etc etc,amongst many other shady characters......
When you watch this show sunday, expect to see yet another 'smooth over' job, just like the BBC did with the recent Princess Diana conspiracy doc they put out recently,which was also another smooth over PR-job by MI5, because public opinion had vastly swayed so much in the theory that she was indeed murdered.The amount of people that will actually be going around spurting 'Oh Diana died in an accident she was not murdered,because it was proved on the TV' is exactly their mission, in the same mannor it'll be put out in this coming 9/11 show,some truth,many lies and MUCH smoke & mirrors to acheive their goal.
This is how they work, this is how they 'control the masses'...... we know what you're upto MR

[edit on 12-2-2007 by Order Out Of Chaos]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by andy1033
i do not know what the show will be like, but people have to remember that the bbc is run by mi5.

So that's why they have so many cheap makeover and reality TV programmes
Persumably also explain a the perceived anti-Israeli and anti-Bush stance?

The Conspiracy Files

Sun 18 Feb, 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm 60mins

An investigation of the growing number of conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks.

Some people believe that the American Government allowed or actively helped the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. And why was America so unprepared when terror attack warnings had been received? The Conspiracy Files travels across the United States to investigate and speak to eyewitnesses, and tries to separate fact from fiction. [S]

Programme details as per BBC websites

nothing you have stated have proved that bbc is not run by mi5. you cannot tell me that an organisation that has bbc offices in all countries, has not been infiltrated by mi5, and mi6.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by shindigger
18/02/07 9pm
Just though any uk based types would like to know.

gauranteed to be another sham effort. 9/11 was discussed very breifly on BBC Newsnight at the time the supposedly "new" photo's were released of the Pentagon crash, the coverage of the story was totally shameful by the controlled BBC, not even the slightest effort to give the story any real coverage, a short piece full of lies and only interviewing government lackeys.
and if anyone was ever in any doubt about the BBC's independance, they only have to try to post anything on the BBC's message board, if it goes against the governments officail lies, or critizises Israel it will be removed, I even had a link to Crop Circles removed from their forum, The BBC message boards are modded by government controlled facists and their news teams are controlled just the same.

[edit on 12-2-2007 by golddragnet]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

nothing you have stated have proved that bbc is not run by mi5. you cannot tell me that an organisation that has bbc offices in all countries, has not been infiltrated by mi5, and mi6.

The onus is on you to provide the proof
Personally I think the BBC have been infiltrated by the bleedin' heart liberal loonies - but that's neither here nor there.

Bearing in mind that the programme may not necessarily have been made by the BBC, I would guess that it will conclude that whilst we may not have been told the entire truth about events on that day, most of the more popular conspiracies are mistaken and do not bear up to proper scrutiny.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 07:19 PM
I don't know who precisely runs the BBC - they probably run themselves - they'r almost as likely to run MI5 as the other way around. People think BBC is so neat 'cause unlike American news, it talks about the world at large. Yeah, and it lies about it. I've caught them in gross obfuscation/lies on at least the Andijan massacre in Uzbekistan (May 05 - unarmed protesters w/children were slaughterd by the army unprovoked) and the Basra incident (Sept. 05) in which two British soldiers dressed as Arab militants were arrested after shooting Iraqi cops from a bomb-rigged "terrorist" car. The BBC simply made no mention of this, just saying they'd someho fallen into Basra police hands (who are linked to militants, they add,) and the Brits had to get them freed. The big truck smashing down a wall and allowing hundreds of prisoners to escape in the process was just an accident, it as all done official they say...
Rigorous Intuition: (Carry on Killing): (China):
Wash Post:
Telegraph (UK):

BBC is at least as controlled as American mainstream media. People mistake the slightly different flavor for nutrition.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 12:27 PM
I stopped watching the BBC news ages ago - they present every story as if it was absolute truth, therefore no need to give any evidence for what they are claiming. And I don't know if their documentaries are becoming more biased or its just me getting more sceptical with age, but I've stopped watching them too.

And stopped reading the newspapers. Well, actually I stopped reading those years ago because they were so full of political bias that they were a joke.

I am suspicious of them feeling the need to put out a programme about 9/11 and the CTers - perhaps with the advent of this wonderful communication tool called the internet just a few too many of us proles are starting to think for ourselves!

Cheers Cara

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Just how the BBC in this thread can be accused of being "bleeding heart liberals" and controlled by MI5. Whilst its probably true that the liberal tendancies of Auntie are probably left of center - the fact that it was they who broke the WMD story kind of give the lie to either accusation. If controlled by the Box or 6 then they bit their paymasters hands - and if leftist then they did a sterling job on El Presidente Blair.

The truth as regards this show will only be known after its airing - however the trail fot the programme features Alex Jones voice fwiw

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Everyone has an agenda. Newspapers are aimed at a particular readership, therefor have to appeal to that same group of people.

The makers of the documentarys about what really happened on 9/11 also have an agenda. (would you believe that!)

The bbc has its own way of reporting things so live with it. watch the documentray, THEN comment on how bias it was.

Just reading some of the comments on this page made me chuckle. How the hell does MI5/6 run the bbc. If you want to start conspiracy theorys about the security services running the bbc then maybe they had a hand in the making of the Diana documentary. But come on, who at MI5 gives a flying monkeys about what else the bbc shows?

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 02:06 PM
The BBC i would say is not run by the Goverment but i would agree it is highly influenced indeed.

If it wasnt for the BBC we wouldnt have to pay a TV license fee something that is left unpaid can result in a court appearance and a £1000 fine. By paying for our licence we line the the pockets of the Goverment and in turn they line the pockets of the BBC. Where else do you think the BBC get their money to make programs? They dont do advertisements unlike every other channel i know so it obviously comes from our licence fees. So yes there is a connection and due to financial reasons i agree they will be influenced but not entirely run

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:00 AM
Heres a link to a preview.
I see the words "Loose Change" quite a lot...

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Silk
however the trail fot the programme features Alex Jones voice fwiw

alex jones stated on his show that he was told the program was just going to be a hatchet job to discredit the 911 movement.

seems to be a lot of that going on at the moment.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 06:03 PM
I have bulletined everyone on my myspace with this aswell as having details on my msn name. I have also spoken and told countless people to watch who ALL show interest. I always ask one question when they look uninterested, "did you see a plane hit the pentagon..." the reactions i get are amazing.
I hope to god it will be fair, and not waffling on about theories rather than stone cold evidence. Time will tell.


posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by justyc

alex jones stated on his show that he was told the program was just going to be a hatchet job to discredit the 911 movement.

Actually, it's just the first in a series of programmes about various conspiracies, and it's certainly not intended to be a 'once and for all' answer on the subject. Rather, it's to inform people that such conspiracies exist, why they exist and examine in brief the background to them and how probable some of them may be. I suspect it'll leave the viewer to draw their own final conclusions on what to believe.

And bearing in mind it's only a 1 hour programme, don't expect it to go into too much detail on every aspect of the conspiracies

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by justyc

Originally posted by Silk
however the trail fot the programme features Alex Jones voice fwiw

alex jones stated on his show that he was told the program was just going to be a hatchet job to discredit the 911 movement.

seems to be a lot of that going on at the moment.

they have done to the 911 stuff exactly what they did with ufos. let some truth come out first, then bring loads of disinfo. people everywhere in the 911 crowd will beieve the disinfo to, and then they can discredit everyone.

they play this trick all the time and people fall for it. people should of stuck to what is fact about 911, and stayed away from things like the pentagon. now they start bringing out hachet jobs because they have took there time and now they have the 911 movement like the ufo community.


posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 11:27 AM
everyone should email or contact the BBC in advance of the show, and tell them that everyone already knows it is going to be a 'hit' piece against 9/11 truth, and that people are already wise to the game they are playing.


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