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Al-Qaeda 'praying for Obama win'

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posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:24 AM

What an asbolute load of hogswallop.

Australia's Prime Minister John Howard blasted Senator Obama's policy on the Iraq war and said al-Qaeda would "be praying as many times as possible for a victory for not only Obama but also for the Democrats".

John Howard, what a nerve to come out saying something so Stupid?
What business do you have commenting on the american political process, especially in regards to Alqeada?

Al-Qaeda will trumpet it as the greatest victory they've ever had, and that will have implications in our region because of the link... between al-Qaeda and JI

So let me get this,
Of Obama or the dems win, it directly affects the security of Australia?

John Howard, priorities for christ sake.

We have extreve problems with WATER supply, and drastic DROUGHT affecting our farmers, stop injecting yourself into American politics, and focus on Home.

Why can you say comments to HELP bush and the replublicans when they are doing NOTHING To help get Hicks charged and sentanced so AUSTRALIANS know where one of their own stand, even though you seem to not care!

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 02:40 AM
So, you dislike PM Howards comments about american politics because they are aimed at supporting the republicans? or because he is interfering with american politics in general?

I do agree that he shouldnt make comments that might influence they way some americans vote, although I doubt how many know who is PM Howard.

So is obama a christian or a muslim? I have heard he attended muslim school as a child, but is no a member of a black church?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 02:45 AM
Obama is a Christian, he attended a school that had more Muslims than westernized schools usually do, but there were also many Christians, Jews, Hindu's and Buddhists.

Fox news ran some slander on Obama and CNN went to the school to find out whether he actually did go to a Muslim school. He didn't, it wasn't a madrassa, FOX was just spreading lies to discredit him. They even made up some crap about how Hillary was the one that brought Obama's past to their attention. It was all false.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 02:57 AM


The candidates run, the people vote, someone is elected. No matter who wins the election al-Qaeda loses. They lose because our (the US) way of life has yet to fundamentally altered.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 02:58 AM
Oh like they were praying for the democrats to take senate and house in the last election? This is absolute B.S. it is an attempt to make people second guess their self when casting a vote for a democrat. (If I'm voting democrat am I supporting al qaeda) fortunately the american people were smart enough to ignore it last time and I bet they will be smart enough to ignore it this time. The neocons are working overtime to dream up crap like this because they are afraid of loosing the control of the war profit oil machine.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by shooterbrody


The candidates run, the people vote, someone is elected. No matter who wins the election al-Qaeda loses. They lose because our (the US) way of life has yet to fundamentally altered.

Good point,

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
John Howard, what a nerve to come out saying something so Stupid?

Can you believe it? Where would he get such an idea?!

In other news, Iran stated this weekend that they're not supporting the terrorists in Iraq with weapons. The Democrats have released a statement chiding Bush for making hasty accusations.

Really, where does John Howard get these ideas that Al'Queda would want the party that takes everyone's side but America's in power? Crazy, crazy man...

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by junglejake
Really, where does John Howard get these ideas that Al'Queda would want the party that takes everyone's side but America's in power? Crazy, crazy man...

Maybe I just took it wrong or didn't understand what you meant to say, but to make the sweeping generalization that democrats are "on everyones side but americas" is preposterous and I interpreted it that way. Normally I would turn the other cheek on a statement like this, but to see a moderator take a stance like this is not good for unbiased moderation.

Are dems. perfect? by no means but if you can point me to a party that is, hey I'm there. If I wrongly interpreted your statement then I am very sorry. If I interpreted it correctly please make your case as to why democrats are "on everyones side but americas" as to make a statement like this could be offensive to many.

[edit on 12-2-2007 by shizzle5150]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:12 PM
I remember when Bush said "if you vote for a Democrat, its a vote for Al-Qaida" or something to that extent. Then after the Dems won he "flip flopped" and recinded his prior statement. Al-Qaida most likely doesnt care who wins the election because they know they still have US Govt connections that are keeping them in business.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
So, you dislike PM Howards comments about american politics because they are aimed at supporting the republicans? or because he is interfering with american politics in general?

I do agree that he shouldnt make comments that might influence they way some americans vote, although I doubt how many know who is PM Howard.

So is obama a christian or a muslim? I have heard he attended muslim school as a child, but is no a member of a black church?

No one will vote for Obama Binladen anyways.. hes nothing more then a one timer whos only popular for being black. The vast majority of his supporters don't even know his stance on issues.. except that he has decided he is a better military commander then the generals in Iraq - Obama can apparently run the war better (run away).

Also, what our ever so lovely OP has forgotten to mention in his little tyrade is that he is himself Australian. So, if the PM, which I will assume is a slightly more influential person then yourself cannot speak out about American politics, then what right do you? Support dems all you want. you can't vote.

And considering you have to your north the worlds most populace muslim nation on Earth, I would be worried about security as well.... you are Western culture after all.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:22 PM
Look, I have nothing against Obama. Hell, I don't know anything about the guy!! He has been a senator for what, about a year? What has he done? What does he stand for? Why are people building him up so much? Am I supposed to vote for him because women say he's "charismatic?" Pffft!!

I don't give a damn about his "kindness" or his "appearance," I care about what he wants to do for our nation. If he is proposing an automatic withdrawl of troops from Iraq and Afganistan, I just can't, not in good conscience, vote for him.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:23 PM
John Howard is a sycophantic little toady who just can't help himself.

I suppose as he is a bum chum of GWB he feels he has every right to voice his stupid opinion.

He just looks to me like a warmongering fool (just like Georgie) and I think his comments have only damaged any credibility he may have had.

He should shut his big gob and clean up his own backyard.

What a total jerkmeister

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 05:06 PM
I was pleasantly surprised at how fast Obama spit it right back in Howard's face.
For a Democrat he's got balls and that's bonus points for me.
Proves just how tightly controlled the Western leaders are by Bush/Cheney.
Considering Bin Laden is still alive and free 5.5 years after 9/11, troops (and the War on Terror) diverted from Afghanistan, troops ordered not to attack Bin Laden when they had him surrounded, it's clear as day that Bush/Cheney ARE the best thing to happen to Al Qaeda.
I agree with replies that foreign politicians should keep out of American politics and Howard in Australia was totally out of line and unprofessional.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 07:13 PM
Why would Al-Queda be praying for an Obama and Democrats victory?

Let's see...could it be that they both want an American defeat in Iraq?

I'd say that pretty much nails it!

Withdrawal from Iraq without total victory is a defeat.

Al-Queda is dreaming for the day that Democrats take over the Presidency and Congress.

If you where Al-Queda who would you rather deal with, someone like George Bush, who wants to destroy you? Or someone like Barak Hussein Obama who wants to sit down and negotiate with you?

Al-Queda's choice is clear and they have made their preference known.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:08 AM

I don't think John Howard "blasted" Obama, he was giving an interview on an AUSTRALIAN news program and was asked what he thought about Obama's plan. All of a sudden all around the world the media is whipping up a storm in a teacup. Personally, I think he should have been more careful about what he said, but is it really THAT big of a deal.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 04:50 AM
Yep it is.
He said Alqaeda, will be circling the date on a calender and PREYING for Obama to win.

that speaks quite a bit....

I beleive George asked bush a personal favour

'' if you get a chance, slander Obama ''

howards usually VERY coy, and very good at political talk.
In this interview, as soon as he saw his chance, he pounced.

But I have to say

Obama's reply was spot on GOLD.

We have NO RIGHT to comment on Alqaeda, or Iraq.

We have 1400 troops there, where as america has over 140,000 now.

Obama says he has an answer,

Howard saying this has done nothing but bring negative scoules from international politicans toward australia.

Why o Why, do we need to be so involved in 'their politics'

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