posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 01:17 PM
Low Orbit
Dont get me wrong I place Putin in the same circle that I place Chavez, Bush, Ademinjad of all being negative influences on the world and moving us
backwards especially on liberties, free economy and a democratic process. I wouldnt say Putin is a mob boss so much as he is using mob tactics, his
country does afterall have an organized crime infrastructure of power and wealth unlike any other in the world (thanks largely in part to his
predeccors) so he may have to behave in a different way than we are used to in a leader. (nothing has been proven yet in the litvinyenko case)
Iran may have had nuclear aspirations well before 9/11, though it could have been one with civillian purposes since it has been said by many notable
scientists and engineers that Irans oil and gas infrastructure is on the decline and they may need to have this as a method of power generation.
Though Iran is lead by some vile and backwards groups, us being in both Afganistan and Iraq has given them cause for concern and if they were all
along looking to become a nuclear weapons power, it has given them a sense of urgency and purpose.
This could be solved IMO by the US being the bigger of the two and making a first step approach at having diplomatic relations like the Iraq study
group strongly recomended. Its a simple matter tell Iran that Israel is here to stay that they are working with the palestinians to give them an
independent country. We have the full support of Israel since it is a democratic country in the middle of a region that is anything but. Then we will
reassure them that we have no desire or interest in invading them or attacking them so long as they dont do the same and that they can have huge
influence over Iraq but in a positive way not supplying radicals and making the other sects feel insecure. Plus we will go along with the
international community helping them build and maintain a truly civilian nuclear base.
I dont know maybe im naive or unaware of some deep seeded issues but I do see this being solved with the US being the bigger man and taking the first
step, and I dont see Iran scoffing or spitting on America should it approach them since that will be seen in the world as Irans fault 100% and would
be cause for scorn by their allies.