posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 08:05 PM
Trying to force "9/11 Truth" into the current political scene via committees, lawsuits, and political candidates is like... hmmm... Oh I'm no good
with metaphors, it just doesn't fit. Nearly all elites have been complicit in this (if true, which I believe) by silence, and any criticism will
therefore fall on them also. And we're asking them to head the criticism and find the truth. Forget it.
We've all got our opinions on what's next, and much of these were formed before and ind. of 9/11 issues and tied in w/our individual value systems.
My own opinion: deep and fundamental changes in power dynamics is needed - look beyond the immediate lies to recall our insane general direction of
"progress," where technology is getting scary efficient and we're still no wiser as a species. The whole system, economy and all, needs to be
restructured if we want to feel secure that our gov isn't going to blow us up - such contrivances are part and parcel of the society we have.
Foreign elites? Yeah, Hugo Chavez and the Ayattolahs in Iran could team up on this. that'll have binding results for sure.
The only people who need to know are the American people. If they can't figure out how to do what needs to be done, then it's over, at least for
here and now. Chances of it ever succeeding? Slim. But since it's still possible we are, as someone once said, "prisoners of hope."
So turning back to the band-aid measures that have some real poss. of happening. Maybe it's worth a try, but none of them interest me enough to even
bother thinking about much. pick whatever color you like.