posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 10:28 AM
I have tried a few times to bring some of my opinions across though they seem to be ignored.
Please take the time to consider the following.
Almost all scientists bar the most arrogant and self serving believe in life beyond the planet - to believe otherwise is IMO ( and a large percentage
of fellow scientifically trained people ) foolish. We are in the beginnings of change, though I'm not sure how severe, paradigm shift is certainly in
the making.
I will admit I have bias because I have seen things that shouldn't exist according to what I'm supposed to beileve, hence I don't associate myself
with commercial/political ideals in the least.
Take a step back and look at the big picture. Are we so special that life can only exist here? Are we so smart and so advanced that anything higher
can't exist when we accept decisions from politicians that couldn't care less as long as they retain their power?
The world isn't perfect but the information age is a blessing and a curse at the same time.
Its very hard to elaborate much more but I'm sure a lot of you know what I mean. There is absolutely no reason life should be limited (even of the
different kind), what you let people feed you can change your opinions greatly.
Thinking for yourself is the whole idea of this site. Please consider the following.
1) According to scientists, the universe is at least 14-15 billion years old.
2) Other Star systems formed well before our own and the Earth itself is only 4.5 billion years old.
3) What we classify to be life took under 500,000 years to begin on the planet.
4) Theoretical physics is making leaps and bounds. Considering our current levels of technology, innovations are our only limitation (Look it up - the
technology curve).
If there was just one planet that brought foward a successful species of intelligent beings a few thousand years before us, they would be
theoretically discovering life at an exponential rate. Why is it so hard to believe that we are not the cream of the crop? Realistically we are late
comers, realistically the average human does not possess any sort of extreme intelligence. If, as many of us think ( I am undecided myself), we as a
species (NOT race, we are not ALL American) possess the technology to built exotic craft, would it not be reasonable to think that such simple
technology was more widely available?
The problem with this whole subject is that we think of ourselves too much and not the world around us. The planet Earth is no longer our definition
of existence. Such ideas need to be updated. Power and wealth mean nothing if we are part of something larger, yet some people think its a threat.
Personally, I believe space is an opportunity to explore and further ourselves as a species, similar to the nomads forming the first civilisations we
must move on and continue to grow.
You may think this is another rant. Have a look at the amount of stars and galaxies in the universe (with the growing number of aknowledged solar
systems) and tell me its impossible I'm wrong.
The universe is a playground of creation.