posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 01:31 PM
re: the inavailibility of anal probes
Not even upon sincere and conscious request?
For the somewhat Eric Cartman-like souls in our midst?
to cmaracing:
i love your thread idea!
and agree with the secondary suggestion given...but NOT seeing the crying woman is NOT what i would define as a strange
story compelling others to raise-the-bar in the true sportsman spirit! Something of which i am always fueled by - and seek for the fun of self as
well as others - above any other benefit
(meaning i don't need to win but i DO need to be able to play and not alone all of the
Even in my own case - which is neither the norm nor the exception - i've had times of NOTHING going on, too.
So please - give us a bone to chew on, my love! We are hungry like the wolf but are as harmless as St. Bernard's! *brf* *brf*
(that means:
'thirsty, too!')
[edit on 2/9/2007 by queenannie38]