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Ayatollah says "4 weeks until Armageddon"

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posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 06:03 PM
The Saudis are running out of oil reserves.......
There was a massive buch of disinfo issued by all the mid east goverments over time about their oil reserves.
I have heard that Saudi oil has peaked in production and will be on nthe wane soon.
Keep in mind it is the Saudis who have danced to the american tune about keeping oil prices down to break the iranis financially.
That is the reson we have 55$ pr bbl oil right now.
But when they cannot keep it up forever, and there is nobody willing to do for the us like saudis do,well you can imagine........
The truth about oil is we have seventy years max left, but will be feeling the pinch in the next five years or so because of market demand outstripping production .......

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 06:57 PM
So do we have any evidence of this alleged comment from the Ayatollah?

[edit on 9-2-2007 by Chris McGee]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Arkangel4time
DO you people really think that the President of Iran is such a nutter that he would launch on Israel knowing full well his whole country will be a boiling sea of glass if he does? Where's they payoff in that for gods sake?


He is from the same sect which believes that martyrdoom in the name of Allah is the greatest of sacrifices.

Where is the payoff? They are raised to believe that if they die for Allah, they will reach paradise, that's their "payoff".

The Iranian president has stated that the goal of their regime is to pave the way for the 12th Imam. in order for the 12th Imam to return, there has to be chaos in the world. Hence the Iranian president and his hardliners, are looking for any way to bring chaos.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

The Iranian president has stated that the goal of their regime is to pave the way for the 12th Imam. in order for the 12th Imam to return, there has to be chaos in the world. Hence the Iranian president and his hardliners, are looking for any way to bring chaos.

Not to diss your post Muaddib but I don't think that we need Iran to accomplish chaos in the world, seems like it's pretty much here anyways. As bad as it's been in over 30 years imo.

Revelations on our doorstep? Who knows.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Don Wahn
Does anyone know if the Mahdi is supposed to be the Maitreya that is spoke of?

That Maitreya thing is a complete fake.

Benjamine Creme is a fella who claims to channel the entity Maitreya and allegedly this Maitreya is making stops around the world and visiting those who 'believe in him'.

baaa humbug.

Creme is making money off people who buy his books and tapes. He's been spouting that Maitreya is 'about to revel himself' .. but he's been saying that for a good 20 years now.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 08:52 PM
Iran is very very far away from nuclear weapons

anyone who can't see past the real reasons we are daring them to "go ahead make my day" is blind, naive or on the small bus take your pick

and this thread at best is a mute point based on propaganda, spin, or another name for b.s

[edit on 10-2-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Muaddib

Revelations on our doorstep? Who knows.

Only God knows the hour and the day.

And yes "intrepid" you know its going to happen very soon. Its imminent.

The "preaching work" is almost finished. Almost complete.

All religion is to be banned (yes even yours) (touch my eye).

I know you all have an inclination. Its in the air.

See you all soon at the other side.



posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:04 AM
First question: Why is every news station mentioned as being controlled like it is a bad thing? Every news station is controlled. Get over it. Only in your world is it controlled by war crazy zionists who worship everything Israel.

Second Question: If the Iranian president is being misinterprested all the time (as you say), why hasn't he denied he said those "crazy" things? Even when asked at the UN?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by ferretman2
Isn't it amazing that EVERYTHING that the kooky president Imaidiot or any Iman says is ALWAYS MISINTERPETTED?!?

Who said anything about misinterpretation?
Where did he say that the Mahdi will return in 4 weeks? That is what is being reported. Where is the source?

If he dies there will be a battle for the title "Supreme Leader of Iran".

Considering that there wasn't a battle for the previous succession, there probably won't be one now. The clerics are the only peopel that have the authority to select a new ayatollah, and they will just vote on it and debate it. It won't be much more contentious than the election of a new pope.

[He is from the same sect which believes that martyrdoom in the name of Allah is the greatest of sacrifices.

What religion doesn't beleive that dying for the faith is a great sacrifice???

The Iranian president has stated that the goal of their regime is to pave the way for the 12th Imam.

The shias do not beleive that anyone can hasten the return of the Mahdi. THe most anyone can do is set themselves right with god and be ready to accept the Mahdi when he comes back.
Thus, for example, al-Sadr's Mahdi Army isn't trying to bring back the mahdi, they are simply saying 'if he returns, we will be the faithful and we will be his army'.

in order for the 12th Imam to return, there has to be chaos in the world

Where does it say that?
It says that the Mahdi will correct errors, but where does it say that there must be global chaos?

Don Wahn
Does anyone know if the Mahdi is supposed to be the Maitreya that is spoke of?

Those are ideas from two different faiths. It doesn't make sense to mix them together. Its like saying 'is the holy spirit Imam Ali" or something like that.

The IAEA gave Iran a clean bill of health

No they didn't.
Iran has not explicitly broken the terms of the NPT. THey are, however, required to give groups like the IAEA full access. They have not. Thats not quite breaking the terms, because they can allways say 'we will give you access in just a moment'. The IAEA has said that iran was in noncompliance, basically.

And, now, for what, the third, fourth time in this thread:

Where is the citation that shows that Iran has actually made this statement??

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Chronic_Blaze
More than likely, this was taken way out of context. The same way as the "wipe Israel off the map" fiasco was.

This is nothing more than the US government and Israel throwing some fear inducing propaganda into the public.

What happens on March 10th? Will we come back to this story and actually THINK who might have made this up?, Why didn't the would end? My guess is no, after a month passes and nothing goes down, then its time for more twiztid words to stir up more useless fear, and time for the masses of people who won't look into things for themselves to jump on the bandwagon.

Seriously, does anyone buy into this crap? I hope with the whole internet at your fingertips you would have found out about the wiping Israel off the map "qoute" was taken WAY out of context. And hopefully if you did look into the validity of that "quote", you pondered who would twist someones words and make up something like that. Its only a matter of, well, a month or so before eveyone sees AGAIN that this was just BS spun for the benefits of justifying invading another country on made up media spin.

Open your eyes people. The media LIES! They are controlled by the same governments that are trying to start another war!

yes, because only the US and Israel tries to scare people. Everyone else are just good, peace loving, rational people.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 04:01 PM
Where is the citation that shows that iran made this statement?

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