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My imaginary prayer to God.

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posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 06:48 AM

As many of you might know, I’m an Agnostic Atheist and therefore I don’t believe in any God(s). However, I often have a desire deep down that God should exist. With my vivid imagination I often choose to fantasize that the God of the Christian Bible exists (no other imaginary God has had such a big influence on my life). This is much fun and gives me great joy.

Here is my prayer to God of the Christian Bible, should he exist:

Dear God,

I sincerely thank you for giving me life on this earth. Although I am still fairly young, only 24 as you’d know, I’ve already had a wonderful life filled with much happiness. I have a great and loving family and many friends I hold dear to my heart.

It hasn’t all be good of course. But I realize that without the bad times, there’s no way to define the good times, therefore I thank you once again for giving me these experiences.

I appreciate the keen sense of scepticism and the rational mind you have given me. Unfortunately for you, or well maybe I am the unfortunate one, these senses have truly turned me against you.

When I was younger I did not bother to trouble my mind with you. It is true what they say, ignorance is bliss.

You see, lately God, you’re really starting to piss me off. The more I study you and the more I think of you the angrier I get. In fact my mind is starting to fill with so much anger towards you I’m not sure what to do about it. The book you apparently wrote, The Bible, is so filled with hate, intolerance, cruelty, absurdity, injustice, sexism and contradictions that my rational mind, which you have given me, feels enraged by your foolishness.

It makes me sick to realize that you created evil in the first place and then you try to pretend you're only source of goodness. Don’t try to argue your self out of that one; it’s clear that without you there would also be no evil. Since you are omniscient an omnipresent you already know that the billions of people you put to life are already doomed by their actions before even creating their souls. If you’re a loving God, why do you create such a hopeless system which sends people to Hell for simply following their own senses? After all you created us, so own up to your little evil creations! Why are you so irresponsibly sending helpless humans to eternal torment?

Why does it matter that they did not choose to accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour? They’re only acting on the senses you have given to them! Why create such silly rules in the first place? Why don’t you love them regardless?

We both know that I’ve committed to many sins and that I refuse to repent for many of them, therefore I’m going to hell. In fact, I’ve always anticipated this God and I actually look forward to it, because I have a plan. I’m going to kill you God.

I am no fan of your Frankenstein creation Satan either. I know he does your dirty work down in hell and he is an integral part of your plan to scare humans into submission and worship (yeah, I’m on to you!). However, once I get down there, my anger within me towards you will be so immense and powerful that nothing in Hell can stop me. I’m going to find Satan, kill him and take his powers for my own. I will consume his being in my rage and once I’ve absorbed his power (and after turning Hell into happy candy land), I’m coming for you God. You may be strong but I’m confident that my immense powers fuelled by my limitless anger will eventually defeat you in heavenly combat. Once you're defeated know that I will take your throne and a new reign will begin, one of true justice and reason, enlightenment, and without fear.

Thanks God for your time!


Best wishes,

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 10:15 AM
Very interesting Vlad. I have a question for you, but first I want to make it clear that I am not trying to convert you or change your mind. I will defend anyone’s right to believe what ever they want to believe. With that in mind:

I have had similar feelings to the ones you expressed. I got burned pretty badly by Christianity.

Let's compare Christianity to an arranged marriage. Someone told me, "I know what is best for you, so here's your God, make do." Then the "marriage" didn't work out and I ended up with this "divorce." I was bitter and angry for a while, but then I decided that just because I got burned didn't mean that I should go through life claiming that there is no such thing as love.

Perhaps I was just “partnered” with the wrong “person.” Maybe that same “person” would be perfect for someone else, just not for me.

So here are a couple of philosophical questions:

What if there is something spiritual about you, but you just haven’t found the right avenue (or GOD) for expressing it?

What if there is a GOD but it bears absolutely no resemblance what so ever to the God described in the Christian Bible?

Again, I want to make it clear that I am not trying to convert you. I simply want to suggest that maybe it wasn't GOD that let you down. Maybe it was people who burned you - people who wrote the Christian Bible, people who translate and "interpret" the words, people who twist things to suit their own needs. What if it wasn't GOD who made the mess, but the people around GOD that made the mess?

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
Very interesting Vlad. I have a question for you, but first I want to make it clear that I am not trying to convert you or change your mind. I will defend anyone’s right to believe what ever they want to believe. With that in mind:

I have had similar feelings to the ones you expressed. I got burned pretty badly by Christianity.

Let's compare Christianity to an arranged marriage. Someone told me, "I know what is best for you, so here's your God, make do." Then the "marriage" didn't work out and I ended up with this "divorce." I was bitter and angry for a while, but then I decided that just because I got burned didn't mean that I should go through life claiming that there is no such thing as love.

I understand your point, there is a small but very significant difference here though. I don't go through life claiming there is no "love", I'm just saying I haven't seen any reason to believe in this concept as of yet.

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
Perhaps I was just “partnered” with the wrong “person.” Maybe that same “person” would be perfect for someone else, just not for me.

So here are a couple of philosophical questions:

What if there is something spiritual about you, but you just haven’t found the right avenue (or GOD) for expressing it?

Well, first we'd have to define spirtuality. I'm not quite certain what this concept actually means. I'm almost certian there's some "spiritual" sides of my self. I mean, I have a sense of wonder and awe of life. Thinking of various philisophical questions sometimes gives me a tingly sensation inside, is that spirituality?

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
What if there is a GOD but it bears absolutely no resemblance what so ever to the God described in the Christian Bible?

Well, if there is a God, I'd certainly hope it's not the one from the Bible.

Yes, good question, what if? What if there's invisible spirit beings that surrounds us everywhere all the time? What if X diety exists, although we cannot see, feel or in any other way directly sense its precense? See, these 'what if' questions simply don't make any sense to me. They are essentially meaningless. Such a concept has no influence on me as a person, therefore I can't see how it is even remotely relevant to anything.

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
Again, I want to make it clear that I am not trying to convert you. I simply want to suggest that maybe it wasn't GOD that let you down. Maybe it was people who burned you - people who wrote the Christian Bible, people who translate and "interpret" the words, people who twist things to suit their own needs. What if it wasn't GOD who made the mess, but the people around GOD that made the mess?

I don't feel let down with life though. I just find the concept of God to be redundant and unncessary.

I have no doubt that even if God exists, it's definatly humans that are the root of all "evil".

Thanks for your reply,

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:05 PM
Thank you Vlad for sharing this because i know it is heavy. and it relate to your angry at the bottom so much that it isn't funny. At least you are aware of your anger - i had no idea and i wonder how i could have missed that, you know. Like lava ever ready to come out ad lib.
But that's why i want to answer some of your letter as God - who started out just like 'Satah' who started out just like you and i. I'm not wanting to convince you of anything - you have some potentially productive portions in your angry left still - and really it is healthy i think, as long as one purges it as part of the therapy. But go all over your anger and be privately violent with old litter baskets, etc.

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler
It makes me sick to realize that you created evil in the first place and then you try to pretend you're only source of goodness. Don’t try to argue your self out of that one; it’s clear that without you there would also be no evil.

You can't have light before you have dark.
And dark is already installed.

But evil isn't so bad when it is done right.

Don't get us mixed up with humanity's greed and envy driven chaos.
That IS evil but it ain't mine.
Mine destroys theirs and them self-destructs.

Since you are omniscient an omnipresent you already know that the billions of people you put to life are already doomed by their actions before even creating their souls.

What i know is that they are going to be 'gods' one day, themselves - just like you and i, too.
Remember the tree is the knowledge of good and evil. This is the default route you chose. You can't eat the fruit and not become as gods. You can't eat the fruit and not eat evil.

Sometimes it gets rough but it is a guaranteed fun time and diploma and better than sitting on your duff. And you choiced yourwself, on top of that.

If you’re a loving God, why do you create such a hopeless system which sends people to Hell for simply following their own senses?

Hey man! I didn't create this system. I agree; it sucks. We are in hell together - just have faith. NO one's ever gotten stuck down here.

After all you created us, so own up to your little evil creations!

WE do ! They are the coolest as afar as stealth and attitude...but you guys don't take any of seriously.

Why are you so irresponsibly sending helpless humans to eternal torment?

How? Are you tormented right now? How did you get here?

Why does it matter that they did not choose to accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour?

It doesn't.
They can't ACCEPT some sort of theological gift which we none of us know where to get and is supposedly the result of the cross?


Why don’t you love them regardless?

we DO.

We both know that I’ve committed to many sins and that I refuse to repent for many of them, therefore I’m going to hell. In fact, I’ve always anticipated this God and I actually look forward to it, because I have a plan. I’m going to kill you God.


You are already in hell so let's go - no plan -just kill me.

I am no fan of your Frankenstein creation Satan either.

Dude that is South Park that you thinking of.

I know he does your dirty work down in hell and he is an integral part of your plan to scare humans into submission and worship (yeah, I’m on to you!). However, once I get down there, my anger within me towards you will be so immense and powerful that nothing in Hell can stop me. I’m going to find Satan, kill him and take his powers for my own. I will consume his being in my rage and once I’ve absorbed his power (and after turning Hell into happy candy land), I’m coming for you God. You may be strong but I’m confident that my immense powers fuelled by my limitless anger will eventually defeat you in heavenly combat.

This is GOOD. This is so real because i felt it too! Come on down when you're ready and we'll tangle. Remember this ain't my first rodeo, either.

Once you're defeated know that I will take your throne and a new reign will begin, one of true justice and reason, enlightenment, and without fear.

Whatever you say! But keep in mind that you can always just continue our agenda as listed above - because those are my goals too and i was pissed for 30 something years about all this and more. And i know how your jaw feels sometimes. Because a tight jaw got me to where i am at.

Thanks God for your time!

Thank you, God, for your time!

Best wishes,

dusty dishes mad

And i'm not trying to slyly poke fun cause i'm not.
I totally relate and encourage you because you are level headed yet able to discharge your k safely. Anger is sometimes both bane and cure. :bash:

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 04:51 AM
I appreciate your reply queenannie38, but I'm honestly having serious trouble understanding the context for some of the things you write.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler
Well, first we'd have to define spirtuality. I'm not quite certain what this concept actually means. I'm almost certian there's some "spiritual" sides of my self. I mean, I have a sense of wonder and awe of life.

I think that spirituality is something that might mean different things to different people. I can’t tell you what it should mean to you, but I know that the sense of awe toward life is certainly what I feel and I call it spirituality.

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler
Yes, good question, what if? What if there's invisible spirit beings that surrounds us everywhere all the time? What if X diety exists…

Here’s another definition question. I think that it depends upon how one defines “god.” Since I defined myself as a spiritual person, I wondered what god, if any, might be behind it. What I came up with surprised me. Here is a bit of my thought pattern:

God = a higher power

A higher power is a power that is greater than my own individual power.

Lightening, gravity, atomic force, strength in numbers, evolution - these all hold or have power greater than mine. I can harness them, I can participate in them, I can influence some of them, I can overcome them temporarily, but I cannot permanently escape their influence.

I see the complex interaction that takes place when a seed sprouts. It is planted in the soil, the temperature is right, moisture is present, and the sun provides warmth and light - and presto there is new life. I can’t do that on my own. Put a seed in my hand and it will just sit there and do nothing.

Matter and energy - I can’t create them or destroy them.

Love - Oh jeez, there is some power there. Love makes me do the oddest things! Talk about power!

All these things have greater power than my power - they are “higher powers.”

Therefore, these must be GOD.

I know that may sound far fetched, but it is no more far fetched than the concepts of sin, hell, salvation, enlightenment, reincarnation, ancestor veneration, etc.

When I write “God,” I usually write “GOD.” All caps because the letters are initials to me. Guiding, Organizing, Designing. I can’t see GOD as a person, something that would let me suffer, a thinking being that would put a bunch of arbitrary rules in place and punish me for not living in fear - just the Guiding, Organizing, Designing process present in the universe.

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler
I just find the concept of God to be redundant and unncessary.

Yep, it can certainly be seen as redundant. We already have words to describe all the awe inspiring powers of our universe so why call them GOD? For me, GOD is a category I suppose.

Just as I could say cats, dogs, sheep, monkeys, fish, falcons, etc - or I could just say “animals,” I could list all the higher powers in the world, or I could just say GOD.

Is it unnecessary? Completely, but it gives me words with which to explore my appreciation of the universe and all that is in it. I look at my odd definitions as a ‘language of reverence.’

All this has led more than one person to make the comment that I am the most religious atheist they know. This wouldn't work for most people, but then again, I am not most people. I am unique and so I have unique ideas.

You and your plan are unique too, Vlad. Some people say that everyone's afterlife will be a unique experience - that whatever we expect to find in the after life, we will find. In that case, remember me once you begin your new reign, okay?

edit to fix quotes

[edit on 2/8/07 by wellwhatnow]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler
I appreciate your reply queenannie38, but I'm honestly having serious trouble understanding the context for some of the things you write.

Thank you

my dear vlad - do NOT try to understand the context nor the content
don't try to understand any of it in any fashion

just print it out and carry it around
and read it now and then
just read it and listen to the sounds
either out loud or in head
but some of both

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38

Originally posted by VladTheImpaler
I appreciate your reply queenannie38, but I'm honestly having serious trouble understanding the context for some of the things you write.

Thank you

my dear vlad - do NOT try to understand the context nor the content
don't try to understand any of it in any fashion

just print it out and carry it around
and read it now and then
just read it and listen to the sounds
either out loud or in head
but some of both

When the student is ready, the teacher will come.

Vlad when you are ready just whip that printed paper out of your pocket and read it again. God is Lucifer, Lucifer is God.

As above so below

We have to endure hell before we go to heaven

Tell me Vlad what you will do for eternity?

We shall be God.

Icy wings...

[edit on 9-2-2007 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 06:01 PM
Thank you for remembering, my love.

Thank you for not forgetting that trip with Janis...Bobby. I remember you.

Nothing left to lose. That is where i ended up in 2004.

no road to hell
nor heaven either
and no real choice
but to keep on livin'

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
Tell me Vlad what you will do for eternity?


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