posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 07:38 PM
So many things that bug me! When you open the door for people, and they walk through without taking hold of the door themselves or thanking you like
your some doorman/woman there for their disposal?! People who don't say thank you in general, or just barge through without saying excuse me. Even
worse, people who don't move when you ask politely to come through. People who play 30 seconds of dance tracks on top volume on their phone - I
don't want to hear Alvin and the Chipmunks do Happy Hard-core! Leonardo Dicaprio - nuff said, M Night Shyamalan's films, people who read The Da
Vinci Code and think that they are well educated people for doing so, people who watched the film of The Da Vinci Code and thought they where well
educated people for doing so, people who read the children’s series Harry Potter with the Adult Covers, Every single Hollywood remake, people
(mainly men in their early 20's) who drive 70 miles an hour around a small village with a 20mph speed limit, New Labour, the BNP and the thugs
associated with them, Gaming TV and the annoyingly perky presenters, all of childrens TV past 2000, poor mannered bus drivers, all 'emo' haircuts,
Russell Brand and anyone who aspires to be like him, All the mainstream music scene, people who follow fashion and trends to the point of hypocrisy,
the term 'chav', political correctness, and people who say they hate Bush and Blair because the news told them to...
The list really does go on...