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The Govt's are well aware!!

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posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:54 AM
It is my opinion that the government(s) are full aware of what is going on regarding UFO/aliens. First, I'd like to point out that I believe most of the UFO's are probably just technology that our militaries posess and is unimagineable to the public. Second, anything else is monitored via Space Command and/or SETI and would be known about by the government(s).
Point is, either way I think we are only privy to the information that the government(s) want us to know....sort of like a huge marketing campaign to orient society into a trend.

Love to hear your thoughts, I just hope that if there is a "them", they do not assume that the government(s) really voice our opinions....that would really be scary.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 02:57 PM
I think your first point

First, I'd like to point out that I believe most of the UFO's are probably just technology that our militaries posess and is unimagineable to the public.
is probably incorrect. Although the Usa, Russia, China and possibly other super-power nations may have some anti-gravity prototypes already available I think its far fetched to say that most of the "ufos" are government tests.

I agree with the rest of the content especially:

The Govt's are well aware!!
After almost a full century of ufo visitation the governments should be aware with what is happening eventhough some or all the governments may still not know everything!

Great post! Regards.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:17 PM
I agree, they are fully aware of UFOs/ETs.

IMO, and I'm sure this has been discussed here, the gov't does not want to release this info because it would cause a panic. There would also be a huge reaction from the various religions. IMO, they feel that these outcomes would be more damaging than hiding the truth.

I don't think they will ever come out and directly verify UFOs/ETs on there own but I do think that the time will come when they will have to due to some outside pressure. And i'm not talking about pressure from things like The Disclosure Project, I'm talking about mass sightings or landings. When I say mass, I mean way more than what is going on currently.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:20 PM
Roswell and other sites that have been covered up are now being investigated by the public.

Some of those interviews and actual notes taken by the armed forces investigators are proof that the government knows. There is footage taken from space where we see UFO's leaving Earth, and not one or two but lots. That is here in the threads somewhere. The background talking by astronauts leads us to believe that these sightings are normal and the footage got leaked out.

Why is it so hard for some people to accept this?

I believe that there is a technology race going on and governments are using ET technology to try and win the race of world domination. That is what the secrecy is all about. We want to be the super power.

If we had a peacefull agenda, ET might even give us more help. If I was an ET, I wouldn't want humans infecting the Galaxy. Bees have a purpose, but I wouldn't want to have them fighting in my house.

I think we need to make peace with ourselves before we get the keys to the universe.

Edit.....ET has been here thousands of years ago. They are probably responsible for us being here in the first place.

[edit on 6-2-2007 by win 52]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:27 PM
the governments can only be aware of what they are told. if we tried to explain our existence to a ant, how much info could that ant understand, it is the same analogy for us and aliens.

how any human would trust something that is light years in front of us, is beyond me. the governments may have got info, but they cannot know the real truth, i am sure it is hidden even from them.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Also Religion plays a huge role in any disclosure. There are many factors here alone. Maybe they don't believe in god,maybe they know the exact history of Jesus or Mohommad and they are nothing that our books make them out to be,and maybe through time travel they know the creation of the universe as a whole,every historic event throughout all time. Things that I don't think most people can handle. I want to know this lol, but as a extremely religous planet it may not be good.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Starwatcher
Also Religion plays a huge role in any disclosure. There are many factors here alone. Maybe they don't believe in god,maybe they know the exact history of Jesus or Mohommad and they are nothing that our books make them out to be,and maybe through time travel they know the creation of the universe as a whole,every historic event throughout all time. Things that I don't think most people can handle. I want to know this lol, but as a extremely religous planet it may not be good.

human beings need to live in between a set of paradigms, they need to know where they stand. the government will never let them know any real truths, why would the people need to know any way. yep we all may like to know, but that is not a reason to tell us.

maybe one day we may have the capacity to understand more of the situation, but our understanding of everything is pretty basic. look how many lies we are told at schools, just to simplify everything so we can have a little understanding.

yep if they travel outside our 3d reality than they probably time travel, and have access to info, we can only dream of.

this saying, says it all to do with or government-

those who control history control the present, and those who control the present control the future.

we all know they even try to change our history books, the germans were going to rewrite history, so why not our side. we also saw the japs recently were found trying to rewrite there history books.

[edit on 2/6/2007 by andy1033]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 04:43 PM
I guess I'll throw my two cents in here as well. Nothing new, though. I believe the world's governments have a lot of knowledge on these events that they are not making known to us. However, I doubt that they are 'in the know' on everything themselves.

As someone above stated; mass sightings and/or landing events will trigger mass media exposure. At that point the governments will possibly end up leaking some information. However it is not a given; they might just play dumb right along side us.

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