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Philadelphia Experiment is it possible to make something invisible ?

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posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 07:54 AM
Ey !
I was wondering about the Philadelphia Experiment and the 'article' in here that says that they wanted to make the USS ship invisible, by placing very high Frequencies-wires around the ship... Making heat and then make it invisible to the eye... Is that possible ? And why does the high frequencies hurt the people ???

I was also wondering is it possible to make a "ball of light", i mean like in a dark room then just have one "light-ball" that lights??? Ofcause no lightbulp or something


posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 11:07 AM
how can people like us know classified stuff...

the experiment was classified and nobody heard about it ever since...

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 11:57 AM
One public way of trying to make things invisible is by using some kind of cloth, or "skin" so to speak that uses fiber optics to pass light from one side of the body to the other. That's the non classified way of making something invisible.

What do you mean ball of light? Like lighting or something? I don't get what you mean.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Quane
Ey !
I was wondering about the Philadelphia Experiment and the 'article' in here that says that they wanted to make the USS ship invisible, by placing very high Frequencies-wires around the ship... Making heat and then make it invisible to the eye... Is that possible ? And why does the high frequencies hurt the people ???

I was also wondering is it possible to make a "ball of light", i mean like in a dark room then just have one "light-ball" that lights??? Ofcause no lightbulp or something


OC or Optical Catalogue is the only way that 'civilians' could become invisible.

I personally believe that advanced systems exist and would explain why many times we see moving shadows that we cannot easily find a source for the shadow. The person(s) even though invisible to the naked eye would still displace light, creating a shadow.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 01:03 PM
a little bit off the topic, but how does the Aston Martin Vanquish in Die Another Day go invisible?

if i remember correctly (which i don't think i do) it involved loads of little cameras in the car. thats where my memory leaves me

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by EvilSpallacus
a little bit off the topic, but how does the Aston Martin Vanquish in Die Another Day go invisible?


James Bond movies are the MOST FAKEST movies on earth....

he shot at a woman on 2.30a.m. and he has in bed at 2.31a.m.

that was just an example...

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 09:03 AM
Philadelphia experiment wasnt classified from its start, but end. That was something like and accident. The target of experiment was hiding a ship from radars by using a magnetic device. But the ship accidentaly was moved to another dissmension for 4 hours. When returned, all crewmen on board were dead, underboard ones crazied and ship had heavy damags.

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 09:36 AM
Well i came to think about something today, someone told me that it has become possible (or someone did it) to "teleport" light a short way... Make it disappear one place and come back another place and then continue its way. Does anyone know about this ? I have no evidence...
He told me that the light particles was broken down to a lot more particles. He actually told me the light was broken to atoms, but I don't know i light is out of atoms am i wrong if i say it's photons ? I don't know if that could be broken down in smaller particles... Anyway he told me...

And when we see something isn't light that we see ?? I really have no knowlegde about that. But how does our vision work ?

I was thinking about if you had something that "collected" the light on your back and "teleported" it to the front of you and then let it continue its way to the person in front of you.... Wouldn't you then be invisible ?

Hope you understand, else i could try to go a little more in details if i can... (Im from Denmark)


posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 06:26 PM
I read a book on the Phili. Exp. I think that it could happen. I also belive that it did.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 12:06 AM
Maybe but ill tell you what is more possible. When they were trying to make something invisible they didn’t succeed but learned of something else instead. Sometimes when you’re looking for something you end up finding something else. It’s called HAARP.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 12:37 AM
Aside from the "high frequencies" it's been said that several crew-members even materialized within bulkheads in the ship... actually meshed with the metal. Talk about a horrible way to die.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 05:36 AM
there was some other thread about making things invisible they even had videos showing it.. don't have time now to find it..

Also theoretically metals could be made that look transcluent.. might have read it on this forum also.. don't have the time for looking it up right now.. maybe someone else do.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 05:51 AM
It's been said that the reason the crewmen died is because the ship travelled into hyperspace, where time stands still, then re-emerged later while time here still flowed. Apparently, when we leave a timestream we must record our 'time point' in the stream so that when we return the equipment corrects for the movement of time in this dimension and places us in the correct place.

It's akin to having a magnet stuck to a revolving wheel, if you poick up the magnet then drop iot a few seconds later, it lands further along the wheel. the magnet (human) stops while the wheel (earth timespace) continues to move. But because we're talking atoms and materialization, people either materialized inside the walls of the ship, or had their brains molecules re-integrated incorrectly resulting in death or insanity.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Quane
Ey !
I was wondering about the Philadelphia Experiment and the 'article' in here that says that they wanted to make the USS ship invisible, by placing very high Frequencies-wires around the ship... Making heat and then make it invisible to the eye... Is that possible ? And why does the high frequencies hurt the people ???

I was also wondering is it possible to make a "ball of light", i mean like in a dark room then just have one "light-ball" that lights??? Ofcause no lightbulp or something


There are tons of threads about the Philadelphia experiment.

The experiment was to produce enough electric power to bend spacetime so as that light goes around the ship, following the lines of the electric current. The ship USS Eldridge (if I recall) was a gigantic coil.

I do not know if they succeeded, but it they story tells us the side effect was that the ship was teleported to another harbor, then returned to its original position, with negative consequences for the crew, as mentioned above.

The experiment took place, , but I do not believe the experiment achieved anything, because it would take quadrillions of gigawats to bend spacetime like that. It is impossible to produce such power on Earth with current technology.

Another problem is how they managed to move the ship onto the Earth's surface instead of a random point in space. Perhaps they managed to transfer the ship within the same frame of reference.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Russian
how can people like us know classified stuff...

the experiment was classified and nobody heard about it ever since...


It's not quite that bad. Classified material does leak out every now and then.

The Philadelphia Experiment - What They Didn't Want You To Know

2005 UFO Conference Video That Contains New Invisibility Technology Being Developed In Japan

The whole thrust of the Philadelphia Experiment in the 1940s is that the US Navy strove to develop radar stealth for their ships. What they got was not only radar stealth but also optical invisibility. This was produced from generating a strong electromagnetic field around a destroyer. Problem was that the crew was not adequately insulated from the harmful effects of EM radiation and suffered severe damage.

That's the crux of the Philadelphia Experiment.

The disinformation aspect to the story (to help discredit and distort it) says that they also managed to manifest time travel and/or teleportation. This is complete governmental propaganda, as neither occurred.

[edit on 9-5-2006 by Paul_Richard]

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 09:41 PM
This thread talks about proven invisibility using 'SuperLens'.

Basically a Superlens is placed next to an object and vibrates at the opposite frequency at which the object reflects light, therefore canceling its reflective qualities out. So in theory, the object would reflect no light, and whatever light was hitting it, would be able to be seen through it, making it invisible (or partly).

Here's the full article:

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 12:18 AM
not too long ago some scientists made a type of plastic and hit it with a laser and made the object turn invisible. I dont remember any details, but it was an actual experiment and not a proposal or thought experiment. Unfortunatly I did not save the news articlce :.. (

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by firebat
Aside from the "high frequencies" it's been said that several crew-members even materialized within bulkheads in the ship... actually meshed with the metal. Talk about a horrible way to die.

I know huh.... thats some amazing stuff.

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 02:44 AM
From what I understand of the story, it has to do with einstein's unified field theory......another complex topic in itself.

anyway the idea was to make a ship invisible to radar, but what supposedly happened was it became visually invisble, and actually it had, due to the high energy magnetic fields (which I think there is more to it if it truly occured) had punched a whole in space-time (another complex theory) and appeared in different places AND times.....

one story says it ended up somewhere in another harbor either further up the eastern seaboard or maybe in canada if I remember right.

Another story is that it momentarily appeared 40 years later in 1983 in the same harbor. This may also be the basis of the movie by the same name.

When the ship returned crew members were either crazed or half fused into bulk-

What the scientists believed happened was actually the ship went into "hyperspace" and that is why space and time did not apply as we know it, it is also believed that existance outside of our universe drove the crew mad.

Afterward it was all covered up and no one is even sure if it was the elderidge or not that was involved.

I have heared that research in this technology continued under the name "montauk project" and "project rainbow" and "project Phoenix".

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 05:01 PM
The concept of turning a ship invisible is simpler than it sounds. Just by generating a set amount of heat, a ship in the distance can be rendered invisible.

Think of a mirage... where the sand disappears and the heat causes you to think you see water... what happens when you re-create that on water itself? Well, you think you see water... on water... obviously an effective way to cloak a ship.

That or you can just sink it. lol.

As for the frequencies causing problems... yeah, they do. If you hit the right frequency and the right amplitude to induce it through the skull... its gonna fry your brain pretty nicely. (Its somewhere around the 1 gigahertz range I think).

And it is very feasable to mess with the atomic bonds in metal with a set frequency.
Which would cause the liquification of the subject metal, alowing human flesh to simply slip into it as if you were walking through a wall of water... only the water doesnt get displaced, it just re-bonds with your body.

Creepy stuff eh?

Only problem I have with it, is if the metal were in fact affected as such, wouldnt the displaced water simply rush into the hull of the vessel causing it to sink once the experiment ceases?

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