A few more things..
Just a few fact edits you may want to make..
The hole in the Pentagon was more than 90 feet across. The 16 foot diameter hole is false.
The steel in the Twin Towers wouldn't have to melt for it to collapse.
The collapse times were 18-20 seconds, not 10 seconds. The FEMA (or NIST, can't remember which) says, I believe, 9 and 11 seconds for the towers, but
they say that it took that long for the
debris to hit the ground, meaning the upper floors when they sort of "exploded" outwards and fell to
the ground. Those aren't actual collapse times. If you look at video, it's more around 18-20 seconds.
And you should add in the put options that were placed on Boeing, American Airlines, and United Airlines stock.
You could also add John O'Neill's story, or even look up Operation Able Danger, or even add some background info on the CIA funding of the
Mujahideen during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Another interesting one is that the US wanted a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan, but couldn't do it with the Taliban in place. So clearly
they had to go. If you mention that, mention that the company that wanted the pipeline was Unocal, and that Karzai, the current Afghan President, used
to work for them.
There's also many coincidences if you wanted to add a section for that.
Just to clarify - I think the Twin Towers were demolished, and that the Pentagon situation is weird, but facts are facts