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Dennis Kucinich Wants to "See the Evidence" and is willing to "Ask the Questions"

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posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:03 AM
External Link to Video

Excellent video. This is the second time in a two-week span that Kucinich has publicly come out to say that 9|11 is a big factor in the government's credibility today.

First time - At the Washington rally. Second time - in the video above.

He does make it clear that he wants these questions based on fact, and is willing to work with the Scholar organizations. He also says he wants closure on this issue, and that people feel the truth is being buried and it needs truth... and he says he is willing to ask the questions.

To be honest, I really feel he is genuine about this. In the link below, he speaks on CSPAN regarding 9|11 and Katrina, of which he says the administration let happen.

External Link to Video

Views? Thoughts? I think we can really rally behind someone like this, or Ron Paul, to get some of the 9|11 Truth into the mainstream and provide the questions that need to be answered by our government.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:44 AM
I want Ron Paul with Kucinich as his VP, Frmr CIA INTL Op Ray McGovern as the Secty of State, and Keith Olberman as the press secty.

Hillary can be the maid, she knows her way around. And based upon her 911 commission actions, she certainly knows how to sweep dirt under the rug.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:08 AM
I like Dennis. Almost the only politician I'm even willing to try trusting. I hopehe doesn't screw things up for me that way. It's easy to do dealing w/9/11, even if you don't mean to. There's hardly a bit of solid footing left in this mess.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by sp00n1
Keith Olberman as the press secty.

I like Keith Olbermann alot. But Keith Olbermann is a critic. He couldn't possibly fit into the White House. It goes against his grain.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:25 AM
I believe that if this country has any chance at all of recovery from the last six years, this man is the one we need.

I plan to vote for him no matter how 'un-electable' they try to paint him.

And if they try to foist someone else on us who is deemed more acceptable by the dlc, the corporations, the republicans, etc., I don't care.

I'll write his name in if I have to.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:26 AM
I like the way this man thinks!

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by sp00n1
Keith Olberman as the press secty.

I like Keith Olbermann alot. But Keith Olbermann is a critic. He couldn't possibly fit into the White House. It goes against his grain.

I think thats what would make him a good press secretary. Instead of covering # up, he'll be working to expose it and criticize it. It would do a lot to open the white house to public scrutiny. I believe hes smart enough to distinguish between secrets that need to be kept and mistakes that are being covered up.

He'd be the anti-press secretary.

No more lies. No more cover-ups. A white house that is actually subjected to public scrutiny? Wow! A transparent white house instead os spin??? PLEASE!!


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