posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 12:33 AM
Hey everyone, I'm new to this site though I have been reading it for some years now I just recently decided to post up. I dont have any footage,
sorry ...but maybe my observations can help shine some light on all this ufo #.
It all started in 2005 when I was onboard and attached to a naval aircraft carrier, I dont want to post any keywords ...let's just say the ship is a
west coust ship. We were doing workups off the coast of mexico.
I work in the computer field and am high enough ranked and trusted to access thet top secret network onboard.
It was about 2300 when the ship went into a "security alert" for those that dont know what that is, its when nobody can move on the ship AT ALL. If
you do you will be targeted as a threat and be taken out quickly by the master at arms.
I was asking my fellow co workers what was going on. Rumor was circling around in my department that there was a UFO above the ship. Of course
naturally, i didnt believe it and was like "# you guys" (pretty much). Curiousity got me though, I logged on to the top secret computer network
*NOTE! I edited the name of the network out due to a suggestion/safety* and did a search of our File Server drive for the most recent modified files.
This scanned all users, regardless of rank. Nothing was hidden from me. I especially looked for new files and those that were modified around the
time of the "sighting".
I found many videos and powerpoint breifs (navy standard) and written reports and even message traffic that was being passed through our radio
division. It was all there. I couldnt believe it at first, but then our ship called in the Air Force because even the captain didnt know what the
hell was going on.
I burnt all these files to a disk and stashed it somewhere, unfortunently I dont have it anymore....I've forgotten where i put it... though i think
it might be out of state at a close relatives house...ugh...
well here is what the video was:
It was taken directly from the cockpit camera of one of our ships fighter pilot jets F-18 I believe but cant be sure. It was in black and white and
showed the altitude, the pilots "nickname" and the tempurature and all those little critical stats.
The UFO was floating extremely still in mid air, this was 30,000 ft above ground level. It looked literally and i mean LITERALLY just like a disk, no
stupid traingles or any gimicky things like Independence Day or whatever. It looks exactly how the goverment wants you to NOT think it looks like.
It's simply put, a disk.
So it was floating, the figher pilot tried to get numerous locks on the UFO but everytime the cross hairs tried to hone in the crosshairs scaled back
and forth. I dont know how to put it into words well, but I know what i saw. Crosshairs move in and move back out, it couldnt get a lock whatsoever.
After about I say 10 seconds or so the UFO started to move. It moves in ways that we have never seen before, it spontaniously moved in a half circle
upward and paused once again. Then it suddenly teleported about five times all over the pilots screen. The movement is instant and cannot be
followed. It simply put, is amazing and so fast the eyes cant see it.
There was a bright light and suddenly it dissapeared, out of sight.
The powerpoints though I cant recall the details, had all sorts of sonar and sonic charts to it. There was a map of the area and I know for a fact
that all the names of the places where completely made up. Times and dates where in some weird code.
In conclusion, this is all i have to contribute to the truth of UFO's. I read alot of other posts and stories and can tell you first hand that most
of it, if not 90 percent of it is bull#. Though I dont have any "above top secret" credentials or background, but I am in the NAVY and I do know
what i had my hands on and saw.
note: I have edited this post by taking names and specific keywords out of it, just to be safe.
[edit on 3-2-2007 by thefinaltheory]