posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:12 AM
Just came across the board tonight.
Trying to write an article and just needing some inspiration.
My name is Valeria and I'm eighteen. I live with my boyfriend and my cat and have a sleep problem. I meditate which helps but when it comes time for
bed I always find myself being pulled into the computer room because some sentence or aesthetic description basically drags me by the hair to my
keyboard, tenacious in character and relentless till written.
I'm a writer, massage therapist and have experience in music production and non-linear editing. I can be rather obnoxious, boastful and painfully
honest on message boards (if I'm the same in real life no one's ever told me). But I'm also eighteen and understand that I have a lot to learn and
am open to it.
Always looking for a mentor.
Interests: conspiracy, theology, dancing, my massage practice, wine, creating, more music than I'd ever desire to list, wasting time with war, RPG
and strategy games, aron (love of my life), neil gaiman, coast to coast, fruity candy, sushi, thai... I'll end it here before the ridiculousness
takes over and my first impression is a
The inevitable myspace linkage:
covetous creature