posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 11:10 PM
I'm sorry, I misunderstood. This is a cord blood facility. I thought Branson was starting a private stem cell technology research laboratory.
Cord blood storage is becoming very popular. It can be stored for around 14 years or so, but I think its something like $1K a year ( I could be wildly
wrong on that though, so ifanyone knows for certain please correct me).
So when your kid is born, you have the umbilical cord and whatnot drained of blood, which is stored. This blood has your babie's stem cells in it.
If they end up having leukimia, or developing bone cancer, or anything that can be treated with stem cells, bang, you've got 'em.
They wouldn't be able to do research with that material, because it'd be the private property of the person storing it there, they are paying for a
storage service. Its possible that he could say that a percentage of it must be avaiable to the facility for research purposes, as part of the
contract, so who knows. But the primary purpose of these things is to have a place to store your child's cord blood for potential medical treatments
of that child.