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Could the Aliens have been invented by...

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posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:13 PM

One explanation is that the Aliens actually where here on earth long before man and invented "religion" to keep us at bay for a while.. ( to put is shortly )

I was driving the other day, letting my mind wander and the thought came...

What if GOD is real and there is a Devil and the Devil is the one who invented Aliens ?

Why did he do it, I didn't really think about that part too much, just that he could be behind it.

thoughts... ( and don't bash me, it's just a thought )

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 02:14 PM
What if God was the 1/3th of the angels and the 2/3th which stayed with him, and they together were the aliens, and they came from Sirius (which every religion confirms, yes even the Bible) and from Orion, Virgo, Ursa minor and Ursa mayor... What if the Gods were the aliens, and he created us.

Ow no, that would mean there is no almighty God (hey, what would you expact if you read the Bible, an almightynes?).

Ow my God, but then the Egyptian religion which consists out of hundreds of thousands of pages is right about the Gods being created by another God, and the Vymaanika Shastra would be right with the airplanes and technologies, could there be some truth in the religions of the earth as well, no that cannot be it

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 02:15 PM
So my answer is Lucifer and the Gods were the aliens, and they were created by other aliens, just as we are created by those aliens

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 02:18 PM
I don't know whether the aliens have been created by the devil, but I believe aliens are created by the same creator as us.

I think that aliens were here on earth before 'man' had the intelligence to comprehend UFO's. I doubt that they have developed religion to keep us at bay. I think that religion is developed by humans, specific humans, to assimilate others into some sort of pattern of thought/life.--I think religions are beautiful creations of humanity, some may not be.

I think that God, a creator, is real, as an energy that moves all matter, that keeps the planets rotating. I also know that there is a negative energy, that is like the devil, this is what the devil represents to me.

If aliens were made by the devil, there could have been some that attacked human cities by now.

It's possible that aliens are made by the devil, but somehow, I get the feeling they are made by the same creator as us.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 03:04 PM
being raised in a penticostal church and believing in God as the creator of all :

I don't think the Aliens were here before us. I don't think that they created everything including us.

while there's lots of people making good arguments against it, I can't buy it. Not right now anyway.

I'll continue to pray to my God and hope that what I've been taught is true and we'll see what happens from there.

just my opinion.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 04:33 AM
It is possible, but I believe they started out just like us.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 04:43 AM
At some future date in evolution, WE master time travel and actually ARE the Aliens, and went back in time to genetically give primal man the God Spark to use as slaves and/or genetic material for our future selves... and THUS are also GOD.

If I went up a mountain and came down with it carved in stone would you believe me?

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa

Ow no, that would mean there is no almighty God (hey, what would you expact if you read the Bible, an almightynes?).

And who do you think has created the Universe and all the forms of life in the Universe ? There is an Almighty One, don't worry.
Even if religions have been " gave us " by some aliens, even if Jesus is not the Son of God, I don't mind because I'm sure there is an Almighty One.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by RANT
OR: At some future date in evolution, WE master time travel and actually ARE the Aliens, and went back in time to genetically give primal man the God Spark to use as slaves and/or genetic material for our future selves... and THUS are also GOD.

Hmmm, has anyone read a book or seen a movie with that mythos? Please let me know if so, otherwise I call dibs and am writing it starting now.

posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
What if GOD is real and there is a Devil and the Devil is the one who invented Aliens ?

I believe god was an alien, i mean i think aliens invented the life we know today

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
So my answer is Lucifer and the Gods were the aliens, and they were created by other aliens, just as we are created by those aliens

Im sorry Leen, but I definitely did NOT follow your thinking. Can you help me out on what you were saying about sirius and all? Anyway, there IS an Almighty God solely responsible for the creation of everything. Satan, is also very very real. He opposes God and tries to decieve us, and has succeeded because we are one of God's designs to be close to Him. He obviously succeeded because many deny God. Anyway, the point is, IF these aliens at some point announce themselves out in the open and claim to be our creators and masters, then this is a sign that they are not aliens as we think of them(like another race from another planet), but they are followers of Satan. They would be the angels that rebelled with him, or some believe that they are offspring created by him to appear as aliens. Because this would cause humans, with this earth shattering info that we are genetically created from these "aliens" to disregard the Bible and all other religions as false and made up.


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