posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 01:08 PM
I noticed that you took the bold lettering saying:
'No weapons' quite literally to mean "NO" WMD....hmmm
Well, right below it, this was said by Mr. Blix:
"Speaking to the BBC's Newshour programme, Mr Blix said he hoped Saddam Hussein would now reveal the truth about his chemical, biological and
nuclear programmes.
"I doubt that he will reveal any WMD, because I think both we UN inspectors and the American inspectors have been looking around and come to the
conclusion that there aren't any," Mr Blix said.
"He might be able to reveal when they were done away with. I am inclined to think it was early in 1991 or 1992."
Mr Blix was in the Swedish capital Stockholm on Tuesday to launch an independent international commission on WMD."
Seems mighty strange that since his retirement, that he has changed his tune so much...take a look:
Here's the full transcript from Mr. Blix's report to the UN Security Council earlier this year:
Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix"
No where in this does he say, "No Weapons."
And here:
"Blix statement: Key excerpts"
Again, no where does Mr. Blix male such an assertion or claim of "No Weapons".
Here is the full report of UNSCOM:
And here is UNSCOM's Final Report:
"UNSCOM Final Disarmament Report"
This is what the reports from UNSCOM and the UN say and have documented:
""1. VX
The inspectors never could figure out what happened to 3.9 tonnes of VX, the deadliest kind of nerve gas. Iraq admitted producing VX in 1988 and 1990,
but furnished no convincing evidence that it was destroyed in 1991, as Iraq claimed. This failure was not cured by an Iraqi report handed to
inspectors in March 2003, which attempted to account for up to 63 percent of the missing VX.
2. Anthrax
The inspectors concluded that Iraq may not have destroyed about 10,000 liters of the biological agent anthrax, which if properly stored, could still
be viable. Iraq admitted producing 8,425 liters of anthrax, but claimed it had disposed of all the agent in 1991, and provided inspectors with a
series of technical reports aimed at substantiating the claim. However, the reports failed to prove exactly how much anthrax was disposed of.
3. Other Germ Warfare Agents
Iraq did not explain what happened to thousands of liters of other biological agent that it admitted producing, including more than 340 liters of
clostridium perfringens - though inspectors concluded that Iraq had enough growth medium to have made "much larger quantities." This agent would
still be viable today if properly stored. The inspectors were also unable to account for some 19,000 liters of botulinum toxin and at least 2,200
liters of aflatoxin. Neither of these agents would be viable today, but accounting for them is necessary to determine the total amount of germ agent
and the individual amounts of each agent that Iraq produced.
4. Chemical and Biological Munitions
Iraq consumed 6,526 fewer chemical-filled aerial bombs - containing some 1,000 tons of agent (mostly mustard gas, but also sarin and tabun) - during
the Iran-Iraq war than it claimed, according to the "Air Force document" handed over by Iraq in December 2002. Moreover, inspectors could not
account for 550 mustard-filled artillery shells that Iraq claimed to have lost. The inspectors determined that Iraqi mustard gas was still of a very
high quality. Also unaccounted for are 29 germ-filled bombs, some possibly containing anthrax.
5. Missiles
The inspectors were in the process of destroying illicit Al Samoud 2 missiles and related equipment but were unable to complete the task before the
start of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Twenty-five missiles are still in the country, along with 38 warheads, 6 launchers, 6 command and control vehicles
and 326 engines."
Seems either Mr. Blix is flat out lying or his is 'confused'....personally, I really don't know other than he is a walking contradiction.