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Gremlins are real??

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posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 07:28 PM
I know someone who thinks that gremlins are real? Does anyone know anything about 'gremlins' our anything like. Them I'm looking for the truths, myths, and anything else. Answers please...

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 07:46 AM
I strongly doubt that actual Gremlins exist. Other than popular fiction, there is absolutely no reference or reason to believe that the creatures do exist. The idea first came to light during the Second World War - although "imps" or mischievous elves may fall in the same category?

Unknown creatures out there for the sole purpose of damaging machinery - aircraft to be more precise - is a little "out there", even for mythical creatures. Maybe if it were "spirits"/"demons"/"poltergeists" it could maybe be more conceivable? Currently there are no descriptions or eyewitnesses of Gremlins - that I'm aware off - thus it remains nothing more than an idea thought up by WW2 fighter pilots to explain why their planes crashed.

It would be interesting to see if anyone has more to offer than the idea of Gremlins. The person you know that thinks that Gremlins are real probably base his/her believe on something? What would that be?

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 08:00 AM
Sure they exist! there is one called Asala who is a mod here!
Careful though, she does bite.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 03:20 PM
Just from reading ATS, I can tell that a lot of people have had run-ins with the same type of creature/spirit/alien/etc. Description usually goes like this: Short statured, dark wiry hair, with claws and glowing red or yellow eyes. May or may not attack, but often spotted through a window, with the creature looking in. Some people include wings in their descriptions.

Explanations have included demons, mothmen, gargoyles, chupacabra, and some form of alien or dimensional being. The moniker "gremlin" fits just as good as any of these.

Who knows what these sightings are, but when viewed as a whole, it could be something significant. What I mean is that one person sees an "alien" and it's off to the loony-bin. Another person claims to have seen a mothman, and they're called delusional.

But, if thousands of people all see something separate of eachother and all give a similar description, you might be onto something.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:13 PM
Gremlins could just be midgets with bad hygiene. Same goes for leprecahns. Just 'cause they're different doesn't mean they're cryptids.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:17 PM
A gremlin is not an animal or a monster that lurks around and attacks people. The word specifically exists to account for moderately mysterious equipment failures, as Gemwolf pointed out. If an military fighterplane's engine wasn't working for some reason, the mechanics who didn't know what went wrong would say 'ah, must be a gremlin'.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Paresthesia
Gremlins could just be midgets with bad hygiene. Same goes for leprecahns. Just 'cause they're different doesn't mean they're cryptids.

So what does an Oompa Loompa stand as?

Sorry all...I just had to do that.

But seriously....I have heard of fairy tales of gremlins, but, nothing to really suggest that they exist. Maybe I am wrong.



posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 07:15 PM
Crap what was that movie, i think it was they or something like that, where this women was hunted by the "gremlins" ~_~ or maybe something along that line.


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