I think the multivers theory is quit elegant.
Mouldycrumpet: your experience reminds me of that movie "the butterfly effect". very interesing
Mysteri: I like the way you picture that line across the dimentions.
Every infinite small timeperiod would create an infinate number of universes, however It might be wrong to add those together and think that there are
also, let's say an infinite number of earths masses.
very simply:
If a 1 kg pack of suger exists in 10 other multiverses we would not have 10 kg of sugar.
Time itself could be the result of how we experience the flow from the current universe to the next.
Lets stop time and call it "A"
now we can go to an infinite number of possibilities .... B,C,D,E,F,G ........
Imagine we experience going to multiverse "D"
The transition A-->D would then be experienced as being Time.
This is just an analogy I use to get some kind if picture of it in my mind
Imagine a simple television, it receives hundereds of transmissions at the same time, yet, when we tune it, it only follows one broadcast. It's as if
the other ones don't exist.
Some say that The Double Slit Experiment shows us that we create reality just by observing it.
Subatomic material will take every possible path at the same time as a wave when not observed. When observed, the it collapses down to one point as a
My own thoughts about this:
The idea that we create reality just by observing it seems weird and unacceptable for most, it almosts like saying we're godlike creatures.
Maybe all the possible paths collaps into matter in a diffrent multiverse. We only experience one of those, creating the illusion that we create
reality by observing.
Wish I could do the math like stephen Hawkin...
edit on 16-3-2011 by Morrel because: spelling