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US President Orders Military To Begin Jailing All Civilian Protestors To War

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posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 11:35 AM
Well, there was just a big anti war protest a few days back, tens of thousands, and I don't remember anyone being jailed.

-The Big O

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 12:20 PM
In the for what its worth department

Russian Sorcha Faal, the alleged author of this piece, is actually a conspiracy theorist named David Booth. He lives in New Hampshire and first became famous claiming that the United States would be destroyed in 2004 by a meteor

I once almost got sucked in from one of the pieces written by Sorcha/aka Booth so do not feel bad, but it is a hoax.

[edit on 1/28/2007 by shots]

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 12:35 PM
I love how people from other countries try to make America, oops I mean the 'yanks' look bad

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by racerzeke
I love how people from other countries try to make America, oops I mean the 'yanks' look bad

He did not try to make the american PEOPLE look bad.....

He tried to make the government look bad and if you think the government is all good then that is very foolish...

Do you really want to be asociated with the government? Just because you are being controled by them does not make you a bad person so i would advice not considering your self part of the government...

We are all slaves of the government but we do not have to take offense when someone insults the government unless we support what they do and if that's the case then we truelly are the target of the insult...

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by desert
What is true is that peace groups have been infiltrated by local levels. Example

Aaron Kilner died in a motorcycle accident on August 30, 2003. In his obituary in The Fresno Bee he was identified as a member of the Fresno County Sheriff's department. The obituary went on to say that he was "assigned to the anti-terrorist team." Local activists believe that this "anti-terrorist team" is, in fact, the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) that has recently been formed in this area.. When members of Peace Fresno saw the picture and read of Kilner's association with law enforcement they began piecing the story together.

I hope that disagreement/support in this country is never only what government allows.

Law enforcement has a duty to at least attempt to gather intelligence on groups that have the potential to be planning disruptive or possibly dangerous events.

What would the public say if this group went about planning some violent protest for a year and then pulled it off and several people got injured or killed? People would be screaming that nothing was done and someone should've been watching them.

I see nothing wrong with having someone who attends a few events and determines the safety of a particular group. Your right to protest doesn't include shutting down highways and disrupting people's lives to further your own political agenda.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:37 PM
Even though this article does come from what some consider a somewhat "disputable" source, Bush does have a lot of power and he does not seem to give a damn what the people or Congress want.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:44 PM
They ran around the streets and never did anything to
end the war.

In fact a presidential anti war candidate was voted down and we
got NIXON.

Nixon did end the war mosly due to it was akin to occupation
and kept on going and never did go for conquest.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:50 PM
I can't believe that anyone would consider putting a Sorcha Faal article in BTS Jokes, Puns & Pranks; much less ATS.

I always wonder when there are "articles" like this which are so over the top... Where's the rest of the media? Are they not "smart enough" to find this information? Are they in collusion with the "powers that be?"

Sorcha Faal Monkeys, not just for duping the unsuspecting anymore...

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:52 PM
While I doubt the veracity of this story, there have been some troubling statements made by the attorney general regarding the rights to Habeas Corpus or in his opinion a lack thereof. This alone is what people should be up in arms about as it seals the deal for a potential police state.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by SmallMindsBigIdeas
...potential to be planning disruptive or possibly dangerous events....

I see nothing wrong with having someone who attends a few events and determines the safety of a particular group. Your right to protest doesn't include shutting down highways and disrupting people's lives to further your own political agenda.

People from Peace Fresno a threat!!!!
Peace Fresno
and, God and Government forbid, Quakers!!!!
Florida Quakers

An agent provocateur in those groups would have a devil of a time to cause them to commit violence lol

Wow, Big Brother is either lame in the intel area or paranoid to the hilt. Both?

I hope we never become like those third world dictatorships that harass nuns and priests...oops, we have
Daniel Berrigan, S.J.

Guess we're better than those countries, 'cause we don't kill our protestors.
oops Victoria Snelgrove wasn't protesting but is a lesson as to the need for non-violent protests


OK, there was Kent State

Thinking of blocking a bridge?

The march started on Sunday, March 7. As marchers crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, named for a Confederate general, they were met by police and state troopers, some on horseback, with orders from Governor George Wallace to stop the march. [65] They told the marchers, "It would be detrimental to your safety to continue this march. You are ordered to disperse, go home or to your church. This march will not continue." [66] Then they attacked. They fired tear gas into the crowd and severely beat protesters. "They literally whipped folk all the way back to the church," remembered one marcher. "They even came up in the yard of the church, hittin' on folk. Ladies, men, babies, children -- they didn't give a damn who they were." [67] That night, TV stations interrupted their normal programming to show clips of the violence at Selma. ABC was showing a documentary on Nazi war crimes, Judgment at Nuremberg. Many viewers thought the clips of the violence at Selma was part of the film. "The violence in Selma was so similar to the violence in Nazi Germany that viewers could hardly miss the connection," wrote SCLC's Young. [68]

Since the Boston Tea Party (which I hope American school children still learn about!), Americans have a history of protest. Let's not forget it. Let's make it, in the memory of Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Jesus Christ, non-violent.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 03:58 PM
What a load of BS. I was going to expose the author for what he really is, but Shots beat me to it.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
I did not create this thread as a hoax, only in good faith as I came across it via the Out There TV .com website which I beleive to be a reputable source and would not link hoax articles.

If it is incorrect i apoligise, thou I do not beleive it to be for if I did, I would not have posted it in the first place and ruin my ATS reputation.

I thought it of importance to post it here and notify members. If there is an issue with it, the moderators are more than welcome to deal with it.

I'd question a source being reputable with a name of Out There I can assure you, as a member of the US military, nothing like this is happening.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 05:30 PM

Thats another thread you posted to turn up false! Sorry mate!!!

I for one can welcome this i hate protesters!!!

The ones i hate the most are the ones that protest the burials and wakes of dead soldiers! saying thank god for dead soliders. Thank god for IED's etc

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr some people are sick!

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
Titled -
"Jan 18th 2007, US President Orders Military To Begin Jailing All Civilian Protestors To War"

From Sorcha Faal, aka "Sucha Failure" because none of her Melodramatic Stories has ever proven true. Makes for thrilling tabloid trash, but even Pravda won't buy her stuff.

There were protests all over the country and Bush didn't have anyone arrested. In fact, he'd probably have been deposed if he tried it.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 06:42 PM
Ok, sure, the article sucks and it is full of lies. BUT, lets not remember our history lessons folks. How many US citizens were beaten and falsly jailed in 1968-69 while protesting Vietnam? And then, they didnt have the PATRIOT act. I could lie on my taxes, be called a terrorist and sent to Guantanamo based on this ludacris act. The SECOND a protest gets a bit scary, you best beleive the pigs will be more than willing to beat our a$$es and throw us in jail.

Not everything is as it seems. I can see Mr. Australia beleiving this article as our "elected" officicials have been consistantly sodomizing the constitiution for years.

My point is that even though Ms. Russian media is completely full of it, we need to be on our toes.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 06:43 PM
I don't disagree w/ you on where this nation is heading, however I'm not sure the source of this "article" is reputable.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
IMHO, she should be jailed for printing such rubbish and spreading such disinformation.


You people want this artice to be true?

Oh the irony.

(shaking head)

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:53 AM
Ok Ok, so now I know that this Russian Media lady is not reputable source of information, I did not know that before I posted for it was the first time I came across one of her articles.

How was I to know?

Is it wrong to have good intentions in informing other members?

I shall think twice before posting from a source I do not properly know of next time.

But even as many of you have said that this article is a hoax, and I'll accept the slap on the wrist this time, do you not think that this brings up a whole bunch of questions regarding the Patriot Act and the potential for Bush to get and use absolute power to form a police state once the next "terror event" does occur?

If it feeds the discussion is that not a good thing? many people do not know about the patriot act or the eroding of their freedoms and rights for they honestly do beleive that the government is doing good by them.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 02:37 AM
I can understand everyone posting to this thread jumping on the bandwagon to call the article in question a hoax coming from the source it came from,but has anyone of you bothered to stop ripping Melbourne_Militia a new one long enough to think the man had good intentions in mind when he posted this thread?

I for one think it's great that someone would care or worry about American citizens enough to bring something like this to our attention(be it hoax or truth).

With the things the Attorney General is saying recently,the threads here on ATS and the varied articles on the net talking of camps being built and the old camps used to "imprison Japanese citizens" here in the states being remodeled or brought back up to working order...who's to say that something like this won't happen to us in the future?They're not being built just for the hell of it!

Melbourne_Militia live and learn I say...I for one thank you for thinking of us


posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
How was I to know?

Is it wrong to have good intentions in informing other members?

Se it positively, you're not going to repeat this mistake. i still remember when i posted something on video cards which proved exactly the opposite of my point,
anyways, these super outrageous, over-the-top disinfo websites, well, what can i say, could there be method to the madness?

ie. that truely anyone can be carted off to nowhere, be they considered anti-war activists or not, while these websites are used to seed scepticism of such reports?


would we know if, say, some 100 people out of 100k vanished? that does not mean they did infact vanish (some of them were probably cointelpro returning to their more mundane tasks
), but you do get my drift, don't you?

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