posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 05:34 PM
Yes I have knowledge of it - a LOT of knowledge actually - and no I'm not dismissing it as "stupid". It DOES work, and it DOES have a LOT of
positive applications. But as a methodology of flirtation and seduction, it is incomplete.
Like, when RJ was first getting started, he focused almost exclusively on the neuro-hypnotic languaging - so what you ended up with was this whole
army of geeks, nerds and losers with NO game, NO understanding of "confidence", effective body language, sexual communication etc, going out and
trying to hypnotize women into having sex........ yeah.
To his credit though, over the years he has refined his material a LOT, and
his program is now a lot more complete and effective.
Like if you watch the video again with the volume off, you'll notice that he:
- leads and "shows off" for her in front of a crowd of people
- stands tall over her in a cocky/dominant but RELAXED, non-threatening way
- smiles and makes direct eye contact with her (but does NOT stare or overdo it)
- gestures to her and to himself with his hands
- gives her reassuring touches (but does NOT overdo it or smother her)
Well, guess what? As it turns out, he could be saying "I like to eat gumballs for breakfast" and she would STILL start to feel a NATURAL ATTRACTION
to him - because he's getting those all-important PILLARS OF EFFECTIVE BODY LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION right!
The NLP stuff he is saying to her is just icing on the cake and enhances the other things he is doing.
I know this for a fact as I have tested this many, many many times.... when you go out there and start using that "sexy" body language and making
eye contact with different women, they will IMMEDIATELY polarize themselves into two distinct groups:
The group that goes very still, flinches away, walks away etc, like "uh-oh, that guy is creating attraction, but I love my husband/bf, better not
encourage him!",
And the group that just MELTS and starts flipping their hair, stroking their necks, gesturing to their breasts or stomach, tapping their thighs,
turning around and bending over and lifting their a##, etc...
And from there you know exactly which women NOT to approach, and which ones WANT you to approach.
No manipulation, no hypnosis.... just a bit of knowledge of the NATURAL mechanisms of attraction, and the essence of "being a man".