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Saddam a Captive?

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posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:19 PM
Ok I know most of you saw pics of Saddam as of now...

and who didnt here it is ^...

Anyway as you can see he is NOT in the best shape...

what I have in mind is...

was he a CAPTIVE...

and the people who cought him just wanted to get the 25 million dollars...

do you poeple think its possible...

cause he has some marks on his face from beating or something...

any thoughts are welcome...

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:33 PM
He looks very distraught! How could a dictator such as Saddam, who was seen as evil, look so very sad and depressed.--This is a man who not too long ago, was a world threat, and held ultimate authority over his people.

I think that his followers abandoned him, and probably got some angry enemies in his camp to hold him hostage for money, or to get information for something.--He looks like he was released from captivity. That makes me wonder if he was held by U.S forces covertly.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:34 PM
you know i was thinking the same thing.he doesnt look like someone on the run as much as he looks like someone held prisoner.maybe solitary confinement by his captors helped his dimensia is very possible,and not unlikely.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:34 PM
I believe he had a gun in his lap when he was found.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:39 PM
I have read some other posts on a recent topic similar to this and I foud their points very valid. I would say its possible that he was captive(if this is really him)but then again when you think an Army is going to kill you you resort to all thats possible for staying out of sight so to speak. I dont think he would have been spending too much money for that would leave a paper trail as to his whereabouts. I am still a little mixed on this right now because both points of view are good ones. I just dont know yet

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 10:43 PM
Courtesy of NetChicken, yesterday:
"First interrogation of Saddam..."
Also in the same thread, second post by him: Post Number: 294263:
"Saddam was not hiding .... he was a PRISONER"

Two pages..............


posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 11:15 PM
thank you all for the responses...

i guess there is people who agree with me on this...

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 03:11 AM
Dont know about being captive.
The area he was discovered and as pointed out above, having a gun goes against your theory!

He probably was running out of friends, his first words seem to back this up!

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by WhoPlaysGod

having a gun goes against your theory!

he probably had the gun...

so the US troops didnt think he was a captive...

its like setting up evidence...

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 11:47 AM
If it is Saddam, then the proof positive will be forthcoming. Assuming it is him, It is obvious he has been held for some time, to be "found" and displayed to the Arab world in the most humiliating manner possible.

The tapestry [or whatever it was] depicting Noah's ark was a nice touch...

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 11:52 AM
Are you insane Russian?

Saddam is not a captive he is a fugitive the dude they have is not him.

He is laid back somewhere in da middleeast drinking whatever he drinks he also has a big smile on his face i bet.

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by drunk
Are you insane Russian?

drunk i am not insane...

I am also NOT DRUNK!!!

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:05 PM
iam also wondering, they did dna analyses, where did they got the probes from ????? they said they had dna probes from hussein but how did they got em ??? [ i mean ofcourse not the new ones but the ones they have to compare it too, its not that husseins dna sequence is in the internet

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:16 PM
they got the dna from saddams hair fro his hair brush and other little things he left behind...

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:19 PM
can u be more precise, like left behind where ?? i dont think they have husseins dna

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:36 PM

The US raided all of his palaces, I think they have like a # load of personnal stuff he must have left behind.


So when will he ever run out of clones anyway??? Get real, they got him!


Where the hell were you yesterday? This already been discussed in another thread. (Seekerof gaved you a link - or course, he's mister Linky Linky j/k)

Hope you didn't just started another one to gather points, did you? (#...I'm actually helping you right now..)

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:38 PM
Opinion noted, but it was confrmed and reported that the US did indeed have samples of Saddam's DNA. As reported in April of this year:
"We have Saddam's DNA, say Americans"

"The US forces possess confirmed samples of Saddam Hussein's DNA with which they can determine whether he has been killed or is still at large, according to the coalition commander, General Tommy Franks.....
Gen Franks also said coalition forces had DNA samples from other leaders in the Iraqi regime."

"Saddam's DNA Test a Fast Job"

"NEW YORK -- A DNA test like the one that apparently helped confirm Saddam Hussein's identity can be done in as little as 12 hours, a forensics expert says.

New York City's DNA lab has done such speedy tests for very rare high-priority cases, said Robert Shaler, director of the department of forensic biology in the office of the city's chief medical examiner.

"If you have a single sample and you stop everything else you're doing, you can get it done," he said. That would occur, for example, if police have arrested a suspect and can hold him only temporarily unless DNA matches him to a serious crime, he said.

"I'm not surprised" by reports that Saddam had been identified through DNA less than 24 hours after his capture, Shaler said Sunday.

Details about a DNA test on Saddam were not entirely clear. Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, the president of the Iraqi Governing Council, said such a test confirmed Saddam's identity.

An American defense official also said Saddam admitted his identity when captured and that more conclusive tests were being done. DNA confirmation would show the captured man was not a body double of Saddam, a man who was said to have several look-alikes while he was in power."

"Fast-track DNA tests confirm Saddam's identity"

"Kobilinsky says that the military appear to already have Hussein's genetic profile stored away for comparison. US forces claimed to have samples from the dictator in April 2003. This could be from personal items such as a toothbrush or cup he drank from, Kobilinsky told New Scientist.

"They certainly had access to the two sons, Uday and Qusay, who were killed," he says. A "very quick way" of identifying Saddam Hussein would be to compare the new sample with variable regions called short tandem repeats on the sons' Y-chromosomes. As this male sex chromosome is passed directly from father to son, it should match.

Kobilinsky suspects both Y-chromosome DNA and other DNA from the nucleus's of Hussein's cells would have been tested.

The experts also believe the tests are unlikely to have been conducted in the field, but at a laboratory in Iraq or a neighbouring country."

Seems he has been identified to be the real Saddam....
Obviously, one can simply opt to continue to 'deny'.....


posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by m0rbid

The US raided all of his palaces, I think they have like a # load of personnal stuff he must have left behind.

yes that is where they found all the hair samples and other things...


So when will he ever run out of clones anyway??? Get real, they got him!

yet another person who agrees with me...


Where the hell were you yesterday? This already been discussed in another thread. (Seekerof gaved you a link - or course, he's mister Linky Linky j/k)

Hope you didn't just started another one to gather points, did you? (#...I'm actually helping you right now..)

you did just help me!

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:42 PM
thank you for the info seekerof...

aka Mr.Link

posted on Dec, 16 2003 @ 12:42 PM
morbid, when the 'war' was going on i already heard that they had these dna samples..before they entered any palace or whatever. when they bombed that place where he was supossed to be they already said that they had them sampels..because they claimed that they could identify the bodies and if hussein was one of em they could tell because they had these dna samples..
So that was before they were even close to any palace..besides if they just find a brush with hair, who says its husseins ?? this as an example..
still not convinced, these dna samples puzzle me..

seek, ofcourse now they have also his sons profiles so, but before they didnt..iam not saying its not him, even the picture kind of convinsed me, iam just wondering bout the almighty me to that plz ;]

[Edited on 16-12-2003 by jozuph]

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