posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 12:09 PM
You betcha. Puerto rico been a hot spot for a long time, specifically the areas around El Yonke park and Cabo Rojo.
Some of the pictures posted at most all sites with a UFO picture archive usually have at least three of the five pictures of the F15 and Disk daylight
shots taken by Amaury Rivera immediately after regaining consciousness at the side of the road near his car following his abduction at the Leguna
Caltehena near Cabo Rojo (I have his 1994 "Encounters The UFO Conspiracy (Fox)" interview on tape).
The the bubbles, light and then craft emergence from the Lagoon was also witnessed by Mr Guillermo Carde, who was early morning fishing there when it
emerged right in front of him and his son.
As well as, Mr Julio Victor Rameriz. His encounter happening at dusk.
Lagoon Seized:
Shortly after the Rivera reported abduction, the land around Leguna Caltehena was seized and fenced off, topped with strands of barbed wire. Signs
were posted along the fence line indicating is was now private property and a Bird Sanctuary. What's wrong with that picture !!
As far as El Yonke, people have disappeared in that area just stepping off the walking trail at the mountain base. As I mentioned in another post,
Wackenhut Security (same folks as A51) are between the base and summit.
I have tried to find a contact in Purto Rico without success a couple of years, though after the Chupacabra stuff more names seem to be coming forward
who are interested in researching both EBE/UFO and Chupacabra stuff happening there, who live there.