posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 02:08 PM
I know the title may confuse some, I don't know if it makes any sense, but it may after I tell my story. I have come up with a theory on my life
after some wierd incidents since I met the love of my life. I met my girlfriend about three years ago and in those three years i've wondered if I
already knew her in another lifetime because there are some things about her that seem so familiar. I've even questioned myself if I was actually her
and she was me in a past life, like... my soul was in her body, and her soul was in my body and we have already lived a life together, me as a female
and her as a male. If you know what i'm saying?!? It's almost like I can see into her past or something, it's unbeleivable. One time we were
talking, and I had a vision of her bedroom when she was a kid, I told her she had a bunkbed in her room, and she never told me about her room as a
kid...I described it to her dead on...I started crying because her life seemed so familiar to me. We have both shared the same dreams, one of living
on the same street and same house. We have had the same deja-vu's at the same time. Her house seems so familiar to me I can't explain it. There are
so many things she does that I seem to recgonize... she explained to me one time about how she broke up with her ex-boyfriend, and I dont know why but
something seemed so familiar with it to me about it. My girlfriend has even said to me before that maybe we are male and female opposites. I have some
other storys but I guess i would like to hear what other people think about my theorys first.