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Sign in the sky, end of the world now?

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posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Well people, i was thinking about the end of the world, the coming of the antichrist (Nostradamus, the Bible) and if somebody know's me, i don't think about bad predictions but in these days almost everybody can see in the sky the comet McNaught. And if u read a little, one of the sign of the antichrist or end of the world is in the sky. Im wrong? Dunno, but what do u think? It's the comet McNaught the sign or just casuality? For my opinion i hope the sign of peace and not war... But who know's.

Snake Skywalker.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:06 PM
I think too many cults have already proven that visible comets are not harbingers of doom. Heaven's Gate comes to mind.

If everyone jumps on the bandwagon of "A comet is coming, we're DOOMED", it would be a sad, sad world.

Comets have been, and will be just what they are. Comets.


posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:08 PM
go to the link you posted
then, stare at the comet for a second
then, realize satan is in the hellfire
then, realize it is satan!!!

i just thought of something way outside the box. What if that holographic technology was being used on the Earth's sky. What if all the sattelites were hacked so that they can not detect the holographic machinery's by enemies. What if they are using a holigraphic image imprinted on the sky as a way to bring in satan. But its holographic image will only speak in the sky and it would be controlled and speech prepaired by the neo cons.

[edit on 23-1-2007 by Logitechismykeyboard]


posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:14 PM
Its a comet, theres nothing significant about it except you'll never see it again. theres comets, meteor showers, and all sorts of stuff in the sky all the time, heck if anythings the sign of the end of the world its if we start seeing galaxy's going supernova.

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 07:47 PM

But its holographic image will only speak in the sky and it would be controlled and speech prepaired by the neo cons.

I just thought of something..

Why is it "neo cons" are evil? .. Why are they evil? What made them so? What the bloody hell is a neo-con? .. What are the differences between "normal?" conservatives and "Neo" conservatives? Who started the "evil neo-conservative" fear mongering?

Did you know.....

Pol-pot was ultra left wing liberal? .... 1.5 million dead.

So was stalin: 20 million dead.

So was the communist regime of Mongolia: 117,000 dead.

So was the ultra left wing government of Bulgaria, estimated deaths at 100k - 300k

30,000 Polish citizens killed by left wing Stalin.. Another 8,668 Poles died resisting the new Communist government of In another 1956 revolt against the left wing government of Poland another 100,000 died.. Then in 1981 another 115 deaths from martial law.

In Indonesia conservative Muslims revolted against the left wing government resulting in some 33,000 deaths.

In North Vietnam before the north/south war, 415,000 civilians died under the new leftist government. Another estimated 500,000 civilian deaths ( a conservative count) from fighting (along side US forces) against the leftist regime.

In Haiti another 30 thousand died fighting leftist..

Laos another 300,000 died under the leftist regime..

An estimate of civilian cassualties in the 20th century..

The point... Leftist most often lead to Martial law, to civil unrest, to strict uniform government, to atheism, to self cultural destruction. I fear the left more then the right.. because the left gets their way by making you feel like your doing the right thing, when you are not.

One should fear any radical leftist or right.. but show me where "neo-cons" have killed ... any one?

And oh I know some will blubber about "oh but Iraq" .. war is war, not killing your own people.

So why the paranoia of ..... "neo" cons?

And why "neo" .. My Latin is a bit rusty but I believe Neo in Latin refers to spinning? .. interweaving sometimes in reference to making clothing..

There is no germanic base for the word, so it is derived from Latin (English is derived from Germanic Saxon, mixed with heavy French and Latin influences)

So is a Neo con and spinning conservative? A Conservative who spins.... I dont get it.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Thanks for the info.
Why in God's name, post it, here ?


posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 06:25 PM
Mayan Calenders and Jewish Biblical Codes do predict the end of the world by a comet. However the Mayans say 2012 and the Hebew code says 2015. It really depends on what you believe.

But the main sign for the end is the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. Right now, its in a predominately Muslim area and Christian Foundations are privately funding a project to "kick start" the coming of the messiah by rebuilding the temple.

Also remember, Iran (Persia) is suppose to be a dominant force and destroy its neighbors until a Greek force overcomes it. Thats not too far off, With the Four Great Beasts possibly coming from Iran, Russia, China and USA I'd say the end is not far off. But stay away from Nostradamus. He's repeating the exact words spoken by the Prophets Daniel, David, Moses and John etc.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Pol-pot was ultra left wing liberal? .... 1.5 million dead.

Maybe you need to read something that is not written by anti-communists?

When it comes to genocide, Pol Pot & Co. were amateurs compared to the U.S. imperialists.

Poll Pot was not communist

Just because the west labels someone left wing or communist it doesn't make it so. If you look at the history of all the people you list, and then look at what socialism/communism really is then it becomes obvious they are neither.

[edit on 28/1/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

So is a Neo con and spinning conservative? A Conservative who spins.... I dont get it.

you dont get it?

thats a surprise, coming from a guy who thinks neocons are actually quite nice...

neo means new.... and its really not that hard to see

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 03:25 PM
Rock Puck, "Neo-Con," essentially means "New Conservative." The problem is, the "neo-cons" are not new, and they certainly aren't conservative.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 04:10 PM
you'ld have to convince me more, seeing as how McNaught was unspectacular...

remember the legend & tradition that King Constantine witnessed a sign
of a spectacular Cross (like in crucifix) in the sky, and the empire changed to Christianity as a result.
~modern thinkers say he probably saw a comet~
Now, if a antichrist or the endtime or even the second coming was made known by a sign in the sky.
...the recent comet sure didn't strike the peoples on the earth with a clear sign, omen or icon or awesome spectacular display like any 4th of July or NewYears fireworks extravaganza

maybe look at it as it might be one of the Hopi Kachina (comets) signaling the 'Purification' ??

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
And why "neo" .. My Latin is a bit rusty but I believe Neo in Latin refers to spinning? .. interweaving sometimes in reference to making clothing..

New. From the Greek "neos", new, young, fresh, recent. There is the neonatal (newborn) intensive care unit. A neoplasm is a new growth, a tumor.


That's why. Great post. Of course, these are just more of the reasons for voter apathy.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 05:09 AM
mcnaught is the sign of great death coming and of the antichrist and of course the end of time ie life on earth ( all life foreever)
hale bopp was another great comet .
hale bob was the only comet in history to be seen continuously for a year!!!
mcnaught was so bright that could be seen near the sun in day light all over the world, comet 1965 was seen in japan only in day light and it was the sigh of the fall of jerusalem in 1967.

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 07:00 AM
i am sorry to get off topic

where in the night sky can i see this comet?

do you need binoculars or a telescope

thank you

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 06:29 PM
it is off now feb 20 th was seen in southern skies last in new zeland we are now in the time after the comet, usually comet comes few months or years before the disaster or good news.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 09:01 PM
Is that like the rapture and the 2012 myan end of time/?
Man I was watching that comet and thought I saw death attached to it.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 02:12 AM
The day after I saw McNaught in the sky, my father died.
Not trolling for sympathy, but there you go. The comet did foretell death, in a small way for the world, in a large way for me.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 02:27 AM
this mcnaught comet was one of a kind.
I think one like it was seen by the sumerians and they thought it was a nother son or planet x.
well the sumerians are not around to tell us what happened to them after the comet.they say that comet Hale bopp last visit part of it hailed on Sodom and gomorra.
Hope there is no part of a comet trailing those two comets mcnaught and hale bopp.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 07:50 AM
signs are everywhere if you want them to be,as i have said before lets stay in focus

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by emjoi
The day after I saw McNaught in the sky, my father died.
Not trolling for sympathy, but there you go. The comet did foretell death, in a small way for the world, in a large way for me.

Thats very sad, I am very sorry for your loss.
I pray your heart and soul have some peace

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