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My house has a ghost

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posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 06:45 AM
your story seems pretty intresting, i am 14 and i used to get creeped out about stuff like this alot i.e. i used to see things and no one belived me, just belive your kid because when he gets older (i was 10) it may get alot worse. once i had spirits screaming at me and iv had a few things thrown around my house. i belive it gets worse as the child starts to fear theese things, i got through it by reading a hell of a lot of stuff about ghosts.
lately iv had a few creepy things happen (cups start shaking and so forth)
now im not scared and every time something goes bump in the night i just role over and go back to sleep.
one thing your child will is learn is to confront things that get out of hand. if a spirit starts throwing things i will get up and go and find it in my house il talk to it and if i think things are going to get violent i get aggresive, il shout and i just basicly show whatever it is that it cant scare me.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by invalidiuser

Hi All, I wanted to reach out to those on this thread. I am a producer on a new network series that is looking for people who feel that their home or place of work is haunted.

Our show's team has been researching, investigating, and helping people for almost 40 years. I would love to know more about your experiences.

If you are interested in potentially being featured on the show and having an investigation, please email me at [email protected] . Looking forward to hearing from you.


posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by invalidiuser

Hard to tell what you may have from the available evidence. Could be a genuine ghost (spirit of one who has passed) or phantom (residual image/sound from a previous person, but not an actual entity), or even an imaginary friend of the child.

The nine years without incident really isn't indicative of it not being there...the kid may have seen it from the get go, but only now can properly communicate what he sees.

Doubtful that it's someone who died peacefully, but not unheard of. These folks expect to die, and so aren't shocked or confused afterwards. Ghosts on the other hand, sometimes don't even realize their new state, or are confused about where to go (If you believe the lore on it)...

Shadowpeople may be another explanation (Google it).

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:53 PM
Kids at a young age are more prone to expirience these kind of events, I believe the reason being is that, their minds haven't been exposed or corrupted by the life we all live. Like my little brother he is 6 going on 7, but I remember one night when he was 4; I was watching him while my step mom and dad were out for their anniversary, we were watching Monsters Inc. in the living room, and for no reason he gets up and walks to there stairs and looks up, he then turns to me and says "Grammy," that is what he called his grandmother who died 2 months before his 4th birthday. I felt a sudden shock of "WHAT THE F**K!" and I told him to stop playing tricks and come sit and watch the movie.
That was my expirience, but apparently he did that a lot according to my step mom, and most of the time it was while they were up stairs. If you ask him today he can vaguely remember and he will tell you that his Grammy was playing hide and seek with him.

It's kind of creepy, but at the same time very very interesting.

awesome post!

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