posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 06:51 AM
Like the title asks, who uses Gentoo?
How often do you do uDNp world or eDNp world.
And how long does it take for an eDNp world :p
As some may know, I have a nice cluster in my garage which I setup to run as a DistCC farm on top of their normal operations.
For my Desktop PC it takes about a hour to do an eDNp system (distcc isn't used for the biggest system packages like gcc and glibc :'( )
For eDNp world it takes around 4 hours with Xorg 7, Gnome 2, mplayer 1.0, mpg123, Eclipse, Anjuta, Wine, The Gimp and the Crystal Space IDE.
Most of the packages get compiled trough DistCC and take almost no time to compile, but the biguns like gcc forcibly don't use DistCC and take the
standard amount of time.