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I just hope

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posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 01:55 AM
I just hope that one day, when someone, has something that equates to irrifutable evidence of sentient exraterrestrial life , they are not ridiculed , as much as I believe , if it happened to me, I would be keeping it to myself, pure and simple, better to be secure in my own mind that the knowledge, and the experience I gained from the exposure to another life form is true and correct. then go out on a limb and tell people only to have the world tell you , your a liar and a nutter enough times that you start to doubt yourself and what occured..out of the hundreds, if not thousands of claims and pictures of UFO's and aliens , if only one of those is real. then there is your proof..most here are , it seems hardcore skeptics, which has merit on it's own, but to be skeptical to the extreme may allow for one to overlook what is right there in front of them the "image is too clear", "image is too blurry", "too close", "too far away" people of this great planet of ours need to just take a moment and decide if they truly believe life as we know it exists "out there" or if it doesn't..With the billions of possible star systems available out there the chances are there are thousands of planets that have life and many who's technology exceeds our own. sit and think about it for a second and you know that is the only answer a fake a fake, sure, but pause before you do, everything you see is not a fake..of that i am sure..

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 01:59 AM
We already have irrefutable evidence of government level UFO cover up with regards to a few anomalous incidents. All that really needs to be done is to find out what it is that is being covered up. The irrefutable evidence already exists, it just sits confiscated in government facilities.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 02:05 AM
I believe that is a true statement, but it still does not stop people from tearing apart a person who makes a claim of a personal experience with Alien life or who posts a pictture etc.....I must be slightly depressed this afternoon..I just don't see the rhyme or reason...

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 02:10 AM
If you really believed it to be the truth then you could never doubt it.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 02:10 AM
I'm not even talking about witness testimony. IMO, the very real government declassified documents of the 1965 Edwards AFB and 1980 Rendlesham Forest incidents prove the case for cover up of UFOs. The only issue is getting an investigative committee to actually start up on the subject as a result of this evidence, which may never happen.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:30 AM
Yeah, I kept my mouth shut for a long time, and when you do speak about a credible story... well no one wants to say they believe you. You must have had a bitter experience-

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:37 AM
not so much a bitter experience, my thoughts are based mostly on observations, I have mentioned some things to work mates, friends and family. some things I have seen or some things I believe, and well silence is not so golden when you feel them rolling their eyes skywards and grinning while your not looking, what gets me, and nothing I have mentioned is SO OUT THERE that it deserves the instant dismissal it often gets,if they spent half as much time as most of the people that come to this site do reading, digging around, listening, looking, then they are the ones who would most likley be found crouching in the foetal position in a dark corner sobbing helplessly...

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:38 AM
Not only do imposed Military non-disclosure contracts make those involved wary of coming out, it makes them definitionaly less than honest in doing so.

The 70 years standard for declassification is in place to ensure witnesses are dead or so damn old they're unbelievable.

Not to mention, SOME will take irrefutible proof and STILL claim it's a trick of merely demons and fallen angels to further confuse and divide the legitimate scientific community.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:42 AM
if it is so much the free society that our governments around the world claim it to be, then the people should call, no, SHOUT for a referrendum to do away completely with classified laws...ALL things that the governments are doing "on behalf of the people" should be transparent...national securty?...there is no such thing...

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by Spica
if it is so much the free society that our governments around the world claim it to be, then the people should call, no, SHOUT for a referrendum to do away completely with classified laws...ALL things that the governments are doing "on behalf of the people" should be transparent...national securty?...there is no such thing...

Who would you shout to? NASA sends you to the Smithsonian, the Smithsonian sends you to Nasa. TWO PRESIDENTS PROMISED to investigate and release all UFO related documents.

Jimmy Carter was told (BY CIA DIRECTOR BUSH) he doesn't have clearance as President for such information. Then Clinton was equally stonewalled.

One living man knows the truth (or as much of it as remains). George H W Bush... and maybe, just maybe his son.

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 04:02 AM
then this is pretty much one focked up planet we are living on...makes you want to just curl up and say..why bother...

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 04:12 AM
I was on a government vessel when I saw what I did- and it undermind much of my confidence in our government- how the denial continues... I cannot say
So many people see- and yet we have been influenced,to not see, and if we do - like you said you are an idiot in many peoples eyes.
If there weren't so many secrets...there would'ne be so many stories- and lies

posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 01:59 PM
link look here you might find some ...


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