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FAIRNESS: Alan Colmes is a Punk
by Taylor Marsh
But if Rush and Hannity are so sure about their ratings and their listeners, why don't they allow more progressives to compete?
Because if progressives get equal time something else will break out into the open. An American epiphany will dawn that Rush and Sean et al. have been selling a load of crap to radio audiences for years. Then free expression will become reality, as right-wing and liberal hosts hear a rising up of the people because the muzzle has been taken off of the airwaves. Independent voices will begin to proliferate, giving rise to competition to us all. That's healthy for free speech, not a way to squelch it.
Again, what's so scary about fairness, especially if you're sure you can win? It's only scary to people who now have all the control.
Hagel Says Republican Party Must Change
Sen. Hagel May Run For President With The Hope Of Shifting Republican Philosophy
(CBS) In recent weeks, Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., has seemed to go against the Republican party and has even suggested that he might consider running for president as an independent. Appearing on Face the Nation he said if he runs, he will do so as a Republican but hopes his party can shift back to the center.
Hagel has been one of the most outspoken Republican critics of President George W. Bush's handling of the Iraq war, and he continues to try to force his party to adopt a new strategy — not just with the war but in it's overall philosophy.
On Face the Nation he criticized the way his party has changed over the years.
"For example, the Republican Party, interestingly enough as the new chairman of the Republican Party said in his acceptance speech two days ago, needs to get back to what it once stood for," Hagel, a Vietnam veteran, continued. "The party that I first voted for on top of a tank in Mekong Delta 1968 is not the party I see today."
Originally posted by xpert11
Eastcoastkid don't take this the wrong way because I'm a Reagan fan but you have to be careful when you talk about morality. Dont forgot that Reagan was at best a late comer when it came to tackling AIDS.
Originally posted by EastCoastKid
True enough; however, when Reagan came into office, AIDS was not even on the radar. It exploded into consciousness and being when he was in his first term. Can one honestly say, being that it was but one issue (albeit gravely important) on the agenda (vying with the cold war, no less) among many others, that anyone occupying that office could've understood the entire gravity of that situation? I think not.
Originally posted by Xeven
I am pretty much in the same boat.
Bush has pushed me past the middle into the Democrat camp on most issues.
I sent Hillary some cash. I am voting for her because her and her husband are the most qualified people on the planet to do the job.
I am not voting for the democratic issues, I am voting for a complete reversal of the path America has been on for the last 6 years. Only a democrat can turn it around and only Hillary and Bill can do it as quick as it needs to be done.
After things are balance we can all take a look at what candidates and direction we should go on the issues but for now we just need our course change dramatically and quickly to keep us from crashing.
Bush is the most arrogant, uneducated waste of a President in the history of the world IMO.
And yes of course Bill will use his knowledge to help Hillary as president, of that you can be sure.
posted by EastCoastKid
“ . . people assume I am a liberal Democrat. You have no idea how humorous that is to me, having been a Reagan Republican to the core for most of my adult life.
I saw Reagan as a great president because he seemed to embody all of the qualities and values our nation so badly needed in a leader in the wake of the turbulent, moral cesspool of the 70s. I also saw Reagan as strong: but wise as our commander-in-chief. [Edited by Don W]
Originally posted by centurion1211
Reagan ... helped destroy that last, best hope for a "socialist" world which was the soviet union.
Plus he made that monumental failure carter look all the worse.
Of course it would take huge cojones to admit that in today's world.
posted by EastCoastKid
I saw Reagan as a great president . . a leader in the wake of the moral cesspool of the 70s. I saw Reagan as strong: knowing himself, knowing what he believed in but wise as our commander-in-chief. With contagious good humor, he brought this nation out of a long, dark downward spiral and gave us hope and the will to become what he called that bright, shining city on the hill . . It felt good to be an American again. Reagan rebuilt the mightiest fighting force the world had ever seen! [Edited by Don W]
He publicly spoke in favor of a line-item veto, a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget, and repealing the 22nd Amendment, which prohibits a President from serving more than two terms
As president, Reagan spoke to numerous Christian groups and naturally attracted voters with traditional values. However, his son Ron Reagan said at his father's memorial service that he did not blatantly "wear his faith on his sleeve to gain political advantage".